23.| Without Her

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Linong's POV

I really can't believe it's been 2 years already. 2 years since I've tried looking for her.

Within those 2 years... it wasn't easy. I asked people around Beijing, emailed highs schools that she could possibly attend.


Until recently, one of the schools replied back, saying that she did attend there, but of course, she graduated already. I've visited her family, only to find out that she no longer lives there either, nor her brother.

Suddenly, after all, that looking and waiting. 2 years flashed before my eyes.

But, within those 2 years. I have accomplished a lot. Course, I graduated, but I didn't bother to go to university. Instead, I auditioned for an entertainment company. Got in, then trained for a good year, and now joined a group with nine members called Nine Percent.

Some of them were guys from school and some were new. I was honoured and happy. But at the back of my head and deep down. I still missed her so much.

"Hey! Linong. We need to get on stage now!" Xukun called, yanking my arm away. The moment we step foot on stage, the hundreds of fans screaming and cheering fills the whole stadium.

"Hello! I'm Nine Percent Chen Linong, NongNong." After I said my introduction, the rest of the following members did as well. I feel really.... hmm. Happy and loved when I'm on stage.

We performed on stage with a few songs, then took a break and got some questions from the MC.

"So, what is your ideal type for a girlfriend?" All of our fans screamed while the nine of us spun around chuckling and laughing.

"Ah! Why are all of you laughing?" The MC asked, chuckling a bit. "Kunkun, how about you answer first."

We all stared at Xukun as listened to him. "A-Aha. I haven't thought about that." He stuttered out, as for the rest of us chuckled behind our microphones.

"Zhengting, who is your ideal type?"

"Aha-" He stops and looked at ChengCheng. "Fan BingBing."

Right after he said that the fans, the crowd went wild! Like everyone was screaming, gasping, laughing; and ChengCheng was punching him.

"Fan BingBing? ChengCheng-ah. How do you feel about your groupmate crushing for your sister?" We were all curious about it as well. "Ah. Sorry. I won't allow it."


Next was ChengCheng, he's ideal was someone who's similar to him. Justin; his response was just cutely spinning his chair so that the fans couldn't see he face. Xiao Gui said he wanted someone who's into the same type of music and style as him. Ziyi wanted a girl was cute and petite, some he can protect. Yanjun just pointed at Zhangjing, while Zhangjing blushed and said a girl that is shorter than him.

"Nongnong~! We heard all of your member's ideal types, what is your ideal?"

I began to blush a bit before putting the microphone to my mouth. "I would like a girl who is different from all the girls. Someone who challenges me to do better."

"Wow. Okay, you hear that everybody, Nine Percent just told us their ideal types... except for Justin." The MC finishes.

Right after that. We performed a few more songs and thanked our NINES for coming. Once we headed back into our dressing room, the guys began to tease me.

"Ayyyyye. Some different from all girls huh. Someone like a rebel like Zhen Yuejia?"

"Aha. I really meant it. Then what about you Ziyi! You wanted a girl who was girly so you can protect her." I said back, but they just agreed with me, but I know they didn't believe me.

"Yeah... okay. You not liking Yuejia anymore. Okay. We believe you."

I rolled my eyes at them, before getting up and grabbed a bottle of water. 

I know I haven't moved on from her... but I do know that I'm not hurting like I used to. 

Maybe if she's really gone... and were not meant for each other, I try finding someone else, but I don't think I'll ever find a girl like her... never.






Hello Jennings!!!

I apologize for such a short chapter.




Thank you for reading!!



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