14.| Deal

722 34 27

Your POV

I was making my way to Zhang Feitong's place when I heard footsteps behind me. They were loud and yet soft. Not anyone can hear it, but because I have really good hearing, I heard it. It almost sounds familiar.

The first person who came to mind was Bufan, the sound of his footsteps are almost identical. So I turned a corner and hid behind the trash cans. 

The footsteps followed me, but couldn't see me, but I saw it. It was him.

"Looking for me?" I spoke up, walking out from the shadows. Bufan jumped as he turned around.

"How did you know it was me?" I shrugged. "Your loud stomping made it kinda obvious," He then walked over to me, but thankfully one of my group-mates came just in time. 

He held a gun up, making Bufan stop walking. "Now. You can my boss why you're following me," I said.

Bufan followed me from behind, while my group-mate still held the gun up, pointing it towards his head the whole time. The 3 of us entered Feitong's place, where we found him sitting, fiddling with a knife.

"Aha, Yuejia. Good to see you again," I didn't respond, but moved to the side, revealing Bufan. I'm guessing Feitong knew who he was, considering I saw how his eyes glowed a bit when he saw him.

"Bufan? Is that really you? HA! I never thought I would see you again! How have you been?? You know, since you left our group, for your- I'm assuming current one,"

Bufan scoffs a bit before turning to me.

"I'm not in that gang anymore. I'm the boss in my own," 

Feitong let out a laugh, clapping his hands in amusement. "Wow!! Congrats. But now, let's have a real talk. Why are you talking my people? That's not nice you know Bufan,"

I took a seat, crossing my legs and glared at him. 

"I want her dead," he announced. Feitong, who was smoking burnt out the cigarette. "Not a chance, she's one of my people, which is also my responsibility,"

I rolled my eyes as I thought in my head, "Wow, when did he become so nice?". 

"If I can't kill her, I'll kill the others. Remember how last time went? I'm sure you still do Feitong," 

"You're not allowed to speak of that!!" Feitong yelled slamming his hands on the table, making everyone jump, or flinch. Except for Bufan.

"Like I said, I want her and her only. So you can hand her over to me, or we can do this another way,"

Feitong glanced over at me and smirked. "Let's do this another way. Let's negotiate on something. But let's do this another time, huh?" 

Bufan shrugged. "Deal. But I'm warning you. This deal might end everything, including Yuejia," 

Feitong raised his hands in the air and nodded. "Fair deal,"

"Yuejia, I want to see you at every meeting now. Understand?" Feitong demanded, I look back at him and sighed. 



I was sitting outside of the school on the field, thinking about what Bufan and Feitong were talking about. My curiosity was growing every time I think about it. I also never thought that Bufan used to be in my current gang. 

I clicked my tongue and sighs. I know that I should be trying to avoid smoking for good, but it's not bad to have one right?

Flicking the lighter, a flame appeared. I hovered the cigarette over it, lighting it up.

"Don't you dare Zhen Yuejia," I let go of the lighter and rolled my eyes. "I wouldn't dare on your watch Chen Linong,"

He took a seat right beside me. Linong took the cigarette and tossed it away. "Give me the rest now,"

I sighed hard, reaching into my bag and pulled out the whole packet and handed it to him.


"Very," He replied back, resting his head on my shoulder. I tried to push him off, but he just held me tight and continued to rest his head.

"Ah! I almost forgot! Yuejia~ Let's go to the movies this Friday!!" He cheered. 

"Why?" I asked back in an emotionless tone.

"Because!! I want to go with you,"

"Jeez, I knew you were all smiley and cheerful. I didn't think you were this cheerful," 

"Hm... It's just me. But c'mon~ Let's go watch a movie!!" He pleaded cutely. I stared down at him, wanting to say no, but he just kept acting all cute and baby-like, so, in the end, I nodded. "Deal, but I'm choosing the movie,"

"Yes!!" He cheered, hugging me even tighter. "Hey!! Loosen up, I might die from you," After I said that, Linong smiled in a mischievous way.


"You sure you not gonna die from my cuteness? Hmmmm?"

I face-palmed myself and shook my head. "Oh my god, you did not just say that!!"

"Oh yes, I did!! Haha~"

The bell then rang, indicating lunch is over, as I was standing up, little Mr. Sunshine over here decided to do something.

"Hey, Yuejia," He calls.

"What- Yah!!!! CHEN LINONG!!" He stole a kiss on my cheek and began to run away!! 

I quickly tried to catch up to him, but I forgot that he was one of the fast runners in school.


"Catch me if you can~!!" He teased, looking back at me while running a bit faster, but I didn't give up, I sped up a bit as well.

I finally caught up to him, I grabbed the back of his blazer, pulling him back. 

"Hah! I... I got you!" I said in short breathes. Linong stood there and smile back.

"Any last words?"

Linong nodded. "Yeah, I do,"


"Whenever you smile, I keep falling for you,"






Hello Jennings!!!


I love it!!

Though this is a Chen Linong ff, I would really love it if you would help vote for Ling Chao on Idol Producer!!

He is such a talented singer! Plus! Ling Chao and Chen Linong's relationship is sooo precious when they were in Firewalking!!



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