10.| Feelings...

838 38 49

Your POV

"But I didn't. Because I would do anything for you."

I couldn't move nor breath after hearing those words. My heart... it did something it hasn't done in a long time.

Skip a beat for someone..

I felt his fingers lace up from my jawline, as he cupped my face, forcing me to look into his eyes.

Those darn, eyes.

I felt a weird sensation on my cheeks and in my stomach. Like kinda queasy. I wanted look away but those mesmerizing eyes.

"Zhen Yuejia.. do you trust me?" Linong asked, my breathing got quicker as he slowly leaned in.

Why can't I move?!

"Yuejia.. do you, trust me?" He asked again.



His gaze on me darkens, but he still had a sweet, smile on his face. "Yuejia.. I will be here for you always."

This time, I used all my energy to push him away.

"No!! Please just stay away from me!! For your own sake!!" I yelled before turning my back on him and running away. I heard him call my name, but as I ran faster and further, his voice got more quite and distant.

Why can't he understand why I'm doing this for him? Why the hell is such a stubborn idiot?


School today was just a blur. Considering usually I would learn something, then leave out the rest, but today I just couldn't get anything in my mind. The only thing that got in and stayed in; was what Linong said to me this morning.

It drove me insane, because all I could hear was, 'Because I would do anything for you' in his voice. And for gods sakes! He made eye contact with me at lunch, and I think my heart was about to like jump out and start running on it's own!


Oh no. Nonononono. It's not him, it is not him!

"Yuejia. Answer me." I sighed hard.

"What?!" I yelled back, turning my whole body to face him... but it wasn't him.

"Shit.." I cursed under my breath.

It was not Linong.

"Zhen Yuejia. Long time no see." The person said with a smirk. My jaw dropped a bit.

No way.... it can be him.

"Yuejia. Say something. This wasn't the warm welcome I was anticipating." He says again, moving closer towards. I felt my back hit against the lockers, and my breathing hitched quicker.

"B-Bufan... W-Welcome back." I mumbled. He smirked, in satisfactory.

"Good to be back Yuejia." He says before patting my cheek softly, after that he gave me a big slap.

Yes. You heard me. Slap.

It was so hard I fell right on to the floor, feeling a burning sensation on my right cheek, while I heard him chuckle. I can imagine the happiness he is feeling right now.

"Zhen Yuejia you have no idea how bad I want to kill you!" He barked. I bit my lip slightly from his sudden yell.

Some of the students started to surround us, most of them demanded him to kill me, some asked to spare me..

Bufan was the king of this school, he ruled the halls, the everything. Because his has connections to this school. You must be wondering why does he hate me so much.

I crossed his line, but at the same time he crossed mine. I saw him selling drugs once to students on school property, but also beat up a student to death.. so I used that against him. I told the school board, and so he got expelled from school.

I thought that we were all free from him, but I guess his father has more connections than I expected.

"Zhen Yuejia.. I'll give you some information on me. My father now owns the school. Which means I can do whatever the hell I want, and no one can stand in my way." He warned. I waited for his fist to in contact with me. But it didn't.

"HEY! Who the fuck are you?!?" He yelled. I moved my eyes from starting at the floor to Bufan, but someone was standing in his way.

"I'm Chen Linong." He says. I gasped as I grabbed his arm and pulled him behind me. This this time he didn't. Linong kept me behind him.

"Get out of my way. Or you'll regret it." Bufan threatened. Bufan was much all than Linong. For got sakes the man standing before him was 6'3, while Linong is only 6'.

"I'm sure you would regret it more." Linong said calmly. I heard Bufan chuckled loudly.

"What are you gonna do? Huh? Fight me? I dare you." He challenged. All the students around us gasped, while I gripped Linong's shoulders.

"Linong. Don't do it. He wants me. Do not get involved." I whispered. Linong looks back to face me with a smile.

How the fuck is he smiling in a situation like this?!!

"Trust me." Linong says then looks forward again and smiled.

I trust you.

"My father is your father's boss Bufan. So if you don't want your father to get fired. I would recommend you to leave my girlfriend alone."

Again. Everyone gasped loudly, upon Linongs words. But I think I was in the most shock..

Chen Linong.. did you just confess to me?






Hello Jennings!!!

Bufan is in the story now!!!

Oh!! I'm sorry if you love Bufan and I made him a bad guy in the story, but his visuals just fitted the part!




𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞 & 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧|𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐠| ✓Where stories live. Discover now