27.| Making Up Time

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Your POV

"Jiejie! Linong-ge is the coolest person ever!!!" Lulu praised, jumping around in excitement.

"Really? Why? What did he do?" I asked, curious. "Gege visited me yesterday! And he came and played with me and-" I legit laughing on the floor already by how many "and's" she is saying and how out of breath she is.

"Lulu. Calm down. One at a time."

She inhaled sharply, "Gege even sang too! All the kids were jealous! And he even said he loved me!"

"Did he now? Do you love him back?" I teased pinching her cheeks.

"I do! Gege is the best. Jiejie! You told me that if someone loves you, you should love them back!"

I smiled at her cutest and innocence. Though I really hope when she's older, she doesn't really love everyone that loves her back, she should only the ones who are worth loving.

Which brought me back to the thought of her parents...

I hope she would find them one day... but also. I kinda hope she doesn't, so she won't have to go through the pain of finding out why her parent's abandoned her.

"Lulu. I want you to remember if the people you live don't live you back, I will always love you, okay?"

Lulu nodded her head once cutely with large baby eyes. "Linong-ge said that too!"

I sighed softly.

Of course, he would say something like that. The sunshine before and still, sunshine now.


"Linong-ge!!!" Lulu's faces instantly brighten up and run into Linong's arms. 

My heart began to beat faster from just seeing him. Along with the fact that he's already loved Lulu so much, he resembles such a fatherly type.

"Gege! What's that?" She asks, pointing at the bag that Linong is holding in his hand. He smirks a bit as he hid it behind his back. "It's nothing."

"Ah... gege-ah!!! Show me!!" She whines as she snuggled into his shoulder; Linong then held up the bag and motioned his head for her to take it. 

Lulu slowly took it away from his hands, took away the bag and instantly began to scream, cheer and say 'thank you' so many times that I even lost count.

"GEGE!! THANK YOU!! I LOVE IT!" He then pointed at his cheeks a few times, asking for a peck on his cheek. 

Aha... so childish.

"Muah! Thank you gege! I love you!" She thanked again.

"Lulu, what did gege get for you?" I asked as Linong let her down from his arms. She ran over to me, showing me the new toy she got. "Jiejie!! It's the new Barbie doll I wanted!! She's so pretty!" I averted my gaze over to Linong who was just staring back at me.

"Lulu-ah, why don't you go play with the other kids? Hm?" She quickly ran off, showing off her new toy to the kids. While Linong walked over to me and sighed. 

"She's so special. Isn't she?" 

"Hm. She sure is." 

After I said that, he didn't really say anything else but sit down right beside me. 

I wouldn't say it was awkward but indeed it was weird- nope. Nevermind. I found it very awkward.

"H-Hey... Linong. Not to be rude or anything, but when are you heading back to Beijing for your concerts?"

He scratched his head a bit while chuckling lightly. "Yeah... about that. The group will be promoting without me for a few weeks."

 I raised both my brows. "W-What? Why?!"


I kept waiting for him to answer. "Go on..."

"I-um... I wanted to stay back to be with you." He answered honestly. I looked up at his face, hoping he was joking... but he wasn't. I could see it in his eyes. 

He was being honest... very honest and sincré.

"Yuejia... I want to make up the time we have lost, I want to make the time where we weren't with each other. I want to be there for you... I want you to be yourself and to be honest with me. Only me."


... I was lost for words. I was lost in his eyes... his lips.

I really do miss him... so much. 

He cupped my cheek as our lips parted ways. 

He slowly opened his eyes. His eyes are so beautiful, his lashes are long and silky. 


"Shh. Linong-ah..." I cut him off by placing my finger on his lips. "I'm yours. Ok? I'm Chen Linong's girlfriend. His one and only."

Linong's lips curved up on both sides as he grabs a hold on my hand, removing it from his lips.

"Zhen Yuejia is my one and only... and I am her one and only. Promise?"


With that, he sealed the promise with a kiss.






Hello Jennings!!!





Thank you for being patient and so supportive of me!! 




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