32.| Family.

535 33 36

Third Person POV

Yuejia, Linong and Lulu safely got out of that place.

Yes, this time. Bufan is really gone.

How Linong managed to get a gun, was when he and Lulu got pulled outside, he legit knocked out the guy, grabbed his gun and ran back inside. But, of course, making sure Lulu stayed outside.

Bufan's death was a self-defence, so Linong wasn't charged for anything.

And now that he's gone. Yuejia and the people around her can finally live in peace.

"Hey... Yuejia." Linong calls out her name, seeing her sitting alone at the dock. Yuejia didn't really respond much to his call but tucked her knees in as she hugged them.

Linong knew she was upset. He sighed hard, taking a sit right down next to her, shoulder to shoulder. Yuejia slowly moved her head onto Linong's shoulder, while he rested his on her's.

"You want to tell me why you're so sad?" He asks. Yuejia shook her head in response. She didn't want to speak. At least for now.

"Ahh." Linong sighs. "I want to tell you something."

Yuejia perks her ears up, getting curious over what he is going to say.

"I know how your feeling right now. But... your brother wanted me to tell you that your papa wants to see you."

Yuejia felt her heart stopped for a bit.

"I highly doubt he even remembers anything about me." She mumbles out. She hasn't thought about her father for about 2 years. Not since the day she left with Minghua. She never once wondered if he was still alive or not... all she knew that he must be happy now, now with his new daughter and wife.

"Yuejia. He misses you and gege a lot. You must now that."

"No I don't Linong... when mama and papa got divorced, he neglected me and gege, when mama died. He still neglected us. He chose to be with his new family."

"Well. Don't you love him?"

Yuejia began to sob a bit. "I-I do. He's still my papa. But he has caused too much pain for me. I-I don't know if I can ever forgive him."

"Have I really caused you that much pain?"

That voice... it was familiar to you.

Yuejia slightly pushed Linong away from her a bit, so she could turn her whole body around to see who that familiar voice is.


"Hi little one."

Little one. That's what her parents called her when she was born. Yuejia hasn't heard that in a very long time. She almost forgot it even...

Yuejia's heart softens... she covered her mouth and cried softly.

It's been too long since she's seen him, too long since she's even heard his voice.

Her papa smiled faintly as 1 single tear escaped his eye. He spread his arms opened, waiting for his daughter to embrace him.

She slowly walked over and wrapped his arms around him, gripping his shirt tightly.

"Shh. It's okay. Papa's here. Don't cry." He cooed, rubbing her head as he whole body shook from crying so hard.

As for Linong, he stood there and watched a beautiful scene of the love of his life and her father reunite. It warmed his heart, knowing that he's doing something good for the both of them.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞 & 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧|𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐠| ✓Where stories live. Discover now