33.| The Sunshine & The Moon

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Your POV

"Jiejie!! Lulu is being mean to me!!" The 4-year-old Yanny whined while pointing directly the 8-year-old Lulu.

"Yanny-ah, what did Lulu-jie do?"

"She's not sharing her candy," Yanny says crossing her arms together, while I secretly rolled my eyes jokingly.

"Lord, help me." I mumbled before yelling, "LULU! SHARE SOME OF YOU CANDY TO YANNY!"

I moved back to Beijing with Lulu for about 2 years now. Linong and I decided to move in with each other, but not really to get married yet.

Though I know... in my heart. I know that he is the love of my life.

Lulu is now entering the stage of being sassy and rebellious. But still, manage to be an angel.

Gege on the other hand... has a girlfriend, and is also engaged. Which, is funny because I've never seen him with a girl.

Papa and Yanny are living very well; gege and I both chip in to support the both of them. 

As for Linong. They made NINE PERCENT a permanent group since they were so popular. 

I was proud of him and the rest of his groupmates, whom I have met and gotten to know as well as my brothers. 

Snapping out of my thoughts, I saw Linong jog over to me with a bright smile, holding out his hand, waiting for me to take it.

"C'mon. I want to take you somewhere!" He whines. I laughed a bit before taking his hand.

"Where are we going? What about Lulu and Yanny?" 

"Don't worry about them! Your papa is watching them." After he said that, I looked back to see papa waving at me.

"So, you wanna tell me where are we going then?"

"Don't worry, you'll know soon enough." 

Within about 5 minutes, we heading to a place that had such a familiar surrounding. Such a familiar feeling and memory.

Our secret sanctuary.

"Remember this place?" He asks in a calm voice.

"How could I forget? This was the place where he took me when I was drunk, also the place where we had our first kiss."

"Indeed it is. But's it's also..." He pauses for a second. I turned my head around to face him, only to find him taking a knee, holding a red box. "It's also the place where I fell in love with you." 

I really didn't know what to do... Linong and I did decide to get married at one point. So I never, ever expected him to propose.

But, I guess he's doing it here... right now.

"Zhen Yuejia... I'll be honest. You are not my ideal type." I let out a light chuckle. "But you are the one whom I'm meant to be with." 

He then reaches for my hand and held it gently.

"Remember when I told you that you don't deserve me, but I deserve you. You always asked me to explain what I meant, but I always denied it. Now, I'll tell you." He takes in a deep breath before saying, "I deserve you because you make me a better person, you challenge myself to do better than others, to show my true colours. You showed me that it's okay to be different. Because you were different and maybe because you were, I fell for you. You were always so distant from everyone else, you were always such a challenge and the more I got close to you, the more I fell for you... the more I wanted to be with you. But when you left that day, leaving me with only a note. Do you remember that note?" I nodded my head gently. "In that note, you said you were the darkness and I was the sunshine... well. I disagree. You are the moon. A beautiful moon that lights up the darkness, to shine a light on those to need it, like how you shined a light for Lulu when she was in the darkness, you saved her. In this world, you can't survive without the sun because the sun is for life- but you can't survive with the moon either, because you need it to evolve on life, to grow and learn, creating a better earth... Zhen Yuejia. We are a bound together. The world needs you, even this sunshine needs you. So, will you marry me?"

I was utterly speechless. The words that escaped his lips sound liked a poem. 

It was so beautiful...

I didn't say anything, but held out my left hand, waiting for him to slip on the ring. 

I could see the happiness sparkled in his eyes as he slipped the ring onto my finger.

He stood up and cupped my cheeks.

"I love you." 


When the day was almost to an end. Linong, Lulu and I walked back home to our house.

The one thing that could be seen was, the sun setting and the moon rising up. 

Lulu was in the middle of us, holding onto my right hand, while she held onto his right.

He looked at me while I looked at him.

How I am so blessed to have met Linong, and blessed to have him never leave my side, or given up on me.

"Yuejia. Look." He pointed up the sky and smiled. "It's us."

"Hm... the sunshine and the moon."



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Hello Jennings!!!!

 It's the end!!! AHa. I'm very satisfied with this ending!!

Thank you to all the readers and supporters!!



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Chen Linong has been my top bias from the moment I saw the first episode of Idol Producer and to watch him grow and succeed was

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Chen Linong has been my top bias from the moment I saw the first episode of Idol Producer and to watch him grow and succeed was... was so meaningful for me.

Again. Thank you for everything!

I will try to do special chapters once in a while!



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