24.| Lost Little Girl

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Your POV

"Hey, sis," Minghua-ge calls when he entered the apartment as he loosened up his tie. "What's up?"

He then hands me his phone that had a video playing.

"The whole world 开始 hot
视线快把高 冷融掉
动是拘束 的解
We're Mack Daddy"

(Linong sang this at the beginning of 'Mack Daddy')

I looked closely at the phone and realized, "IS THAT CHEN LINONG?!"

Minghua-ge nodded back with a thin line on this lips. "W-Where did you find this?"

"Lulu saw and showed it to me. Apparently, your former crush, boyfriend, or whatever. Is now in a boy band-"

"Boy group," I emphasized. "Does it really matter?" I nodded back in response.

"Okay, whatever. Boy group. Anyways, this was in yesterday... in Hong Kong."

I instantly gawked at him dropping the phone onto the table. "So you're saying that he's here?!"

"I'm not saying that sis. I'm saying that there's a possibility." He reasons.

"How the heck did Lulu find this?" I confusingly asked, looking at his phone again.

"How should I know? I just visited her today and she showed me this. That's when I noticed that one of the guys looked familiar."

"Not just one person is familiar... but 5 people look familiar," I mumbled as I fast forward through a bit of the video.

Cai Xukun, Fan ChengCheng, Huang Justin, Zhu Zhengting... and Chen Linong.

The rest are unfamiliar to me.

"I guess after you left, he had a breakthrough and found his career," Gege breathed out. I agree. He's an idol now.

I watched all of the videos of him and smiled slightly. I smiled at his cuteness and his passion. He even used the nickname that he gave for himself when we were still in high school.

NongNong. I think that's what he put in my phone as his name.

"Nongnong~! We heard all of your member's ideal types, what is your ideal?" He then began to blush a bit before answering. "I would like a girl who is different from all the girls. Someone who challenges me to do better."

A girl who is different from all the girls, someone who challenges him to do better... I don't want to sound full of myself, but it sounds like he describing me.

I'm different from every single girl in school, I do challenge him just to prove that he's no match for me. But that I was in high school, I'm sure that he has moved on and found someone much better than me.

I mean look at him. He's talented, kind, handsome and so cheerful... the exact definition of a sunshine an angel...

Suddenly my brother bolted in the living with a very concerned look on his face.

"YUEJIA! LULU IS MISSING!" My brother ran in with the phone at his ear.

I slammed down my laptop with my mind blank.

"W-What do you mean she missing?!" I managed to stutter out. He grabbed his jacket as I followed him to the car.

"I-I don't know. The orphanage called and said that they couldn't find her anywhere, they thought she came to us." My mind became a mess.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞 & 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧|𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐠| ✓Where stories live. Discover now