5.| Attracted

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Linong's POV

It was Saturday.

Another day in the life of Chen Linong.

I was walking down the streets to, you know, get some fresh air. Looking through my instagram and Weibo.

Hah, it was no lie that I was popular among our ages. I had about 225K on Instagram and over a million on Weibo. Since back in Taiwan, I was quite popular at school, considering I was always happy and not to mention, I very handsome myself, huhehuehue!!

Somehow, my walking led me to a book store. Which is weird because I just moved here, and I know nothing about Beijing.

Looking around, this book store had something special about it. This was modern, yet vintage. There were vintage items, like an old landline phone, even some old books. It was very aesthetic.

"Ahh! Just a little higherr!" Hearing a small little voice. I poked my head between 2 bookshelves and saw a little girl trying to reach a book.

I was about to grab it for her, when a familiar face had already done it.

"Here you go. Was it this one?" It was Yuejia. She was wearing distressed black jeans, with a large cashmere beige coat.

She looked so stylish and cool. Well, then again. I only see were at school, and she's always in a skirt, dress shirt and blazer.

Her hair was also slightly curled too, making her so beautiful.

I hadn't realized this, but I was just standing there, eyes on her only.

"Chen Linong?" I snapped out of my thoughts to see Yuejia standing right in front of me with a glare.

"Y-Yuejia! H-Hi!! Nice to see you on a Saturday morning." I smiled, but she smiled in a sarcastic way and walked to a near by table.

"Yeah? Well it's a pain to see you on a Saturday morning." She replied, making me laughed at her comment.

"So what are you doing here?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. I was just walking around.. and my feet lead me here, which then I decided it was a good opportunity to work on my half of the project." She said sitting down, followed by pulling out her laptop.

I just kinda stood there watching her.

"You know it's very weird and awkward for you to be just standing there. So just today.. you can sit with me."

Suddenly after hearing those words, a smile appeared on my face.

Pulling pulling up and sitting next to her, I asked for some pen and paper, though she was pissed at why I didn't bring any.

But I had a responsible explanation.

While I heard her fingertips typing away one her laptop. I stared at her side profile. She was beautiful. The sun hitting her skin, making her look like an angel.

The way her falls effortlessly makes it so sexy.. Though she tries to push me way, I can't help myself but to come back, even if she's not my type. I still try to be around her.

I'm.. I'm attracted to her. It's like she's the negative magnet, and I'm the positive one.

"You know Linong. If you keep staring at me like that, we won't get anything done, and that won't be good, won't it?"

Feeling my cheeks burn, I turned my gaze away from her.

"You know Linong. I'm very curious about you. You just transferred here from Taiwan, and you already had the guts to talk to the most rebellious girl in school, me. I gotta say. You amaze me." I smiled softly.

"You also make me curious Yuejia." I breathed out. She stopped typing and looked over to me with one brow raised.

"Care to explain why?" She asked. I just shrugged.

"I don't know...."

"I don't know why your so cold towards everyone.. but then again. I've only been here for about 1 month.

Yuejia clicked her tongue. "Your right. You don't know.-" She stopped. "You might of heard things about me. They are mostly bad. But considering my parents are divorce, my mother passed away, while my step-mom is having a baby. I would say I'm not the worst person you have ever met." She finished.

I chuckled. "True. But your not the nicest person either." I added.

"Touché." She pointed, followed by laughter and a smile. Yes I repeat, a genuine laugh and smile.

It was like music to my ears.

"Well. I'm done my half, you have yours." She said before packing up her stuff.

I was left sitting there, but before she actually left, she turned back to me and smiled to me.

"Linong. Thank you for today." She said, turning her head to face forward, before she began to walk.

"She is so mysterious.. I like it." I said to myself, then licked my bottom lips with a smile.


-Yuejia090 Started to follow you-

Holding my phone in my hand I chucked to myself.
She started to follow me... then does that me I'm getting closer to her?

I clicked on the follow back button and saw that she had accepted it immediately.

Another step closer.






Hello Jennings!!!

Did you enjoy this chapter of nongnong and Yuejia!!?

The next chapter will be quite exciting!!

Thank you for reading!!



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