7.| Her Life

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Linong's POV

After school, I immediately headed to the book store, and brought 2 lattes. I waited for Yuejia at the same place where we sat before.

Once I saw her enter, I called her over. She looked my way and walked over with her hands in her pockets, with a tired expression on her face, as she pulled out the chair and sat down.

"Here. I brought you a vanilla latte." I handed her, she thanked me with a thin line smile.

"Hm. Thanks. But ask what you want, I need to be leaving early." She said. I pursed my lips to a thin line and nodded.

"Question number 1. Who were those guys this morning?" Yuejia scoffed as she sipped on her latte.

"They are members of a gang I'm in." My lips slightly parted at her answer.

A-A gang?! Is she nuts?!

"Question number 2. Why the hell are you in a gang?"

"Because. It's where I belong. Plus, I was drunk one night, and happen to met them. Simple." She said in a toneless voice.


"Shush!! Keep your damn voice down!!" She yelled, looking behind her back. I'm guessing because I yelled in a book store.

"Look, are you here to ask questions, or yell in a book store." I bit my lip as she glared at me.

"Fine. Question number 3. I want to know about you past." I said seriously. Yuejia eyes widen as she gave me the 'Are you serious' face.

"Alright, whatever floats your boat." She said, before sipping her latte again.

"Remember when what I told you last Saturday? About how my messed up family? Yeah, to go back more in-depth about it for some reason. My parents were high school sweet hearts, after they had me brother and me, they realized that marriage didn't work out for them so they got a divorce when I was 6, and when my brother was 9. By the age of 10, I learned that I was bad luck, or this dark aura always surrounding. Since one time when I was 13, I tried to run away, because I thought it was a good idea for some damn reason. I drove my family insane. No one could find me. But this one lady did, she returned me back, but it was a mistake.." Yuejia trailed off.

"Why was it a mistake?" I asked, as I was so engaged in to her story.

Yuejia scoffed as she bit her lip. "Because fucking 5 months later. I got the news that my papa was getting married again, and it turns out it was the same women to found me when I tried to run away. I fucking ruined everything. After I moved in with my mama because I couldn't handle that witch of a step-mom I have, she got heart cancer... I-I.. I just want to do one thing right..." Before I knew it. Yuejia was crying. She was silently crying. My heart was aching from seeing her like this.

She's always pushing people away, and putting on a tough face, but behind it, she's a sweet, delicate girl..

I leaned in closer to wipe away the tear, but she slapped my hand away and scoffed. "Please. The last thing I want is for you to be sorry for me...I should go. Thank you for the latte.. in return.
.. I hope you would stay away from me now from my past."

She stood up and left, but I wanted to call her and tell her to stop. Because nothing came out of my mouth... it was like I was mute.

But after hearing her story... I grew more attracted to her. All her life, she has always blamed herself, when this all happens for a reason.. I want to show her happiness, something that she needs and deserves.


Your POV

Once I walked though the doors, I saw my step-mom and papa standing there. As if they were waiting for me.

I took off my shoes and bow in respect. Once I rose my head up, papa had this evil glare in his eye.

"Yuejia. Didn't your mother tell you to make breakfast? Why didn't you?" I scoffed lightly. "Papa, I have school in the morning, and why can't you make her breakfast? She's your wife after all." I replied, walking past them and up the stairs.

"ZHEN YUEJIA! I will not repeat myself again. You are going to obey me and your step-mom!" Papa yelled. I stopped in my tracks and rolled my eyes.

"I have been obeying you. For the past 17, not once have I ever fought back to you about anything." I said, holding in my anger.

Papa didn't say anything else, so I proceed to held up to my room.

"Minghua doesn't come home until 6.. so it's just me and my bed. Then again. It's old news.

Very old news.


Anonymous- Meet tonight. Same place.

Will do. - You

I changed out of my other uniform, then went downstairs to get some food. I walked past my father and step-mom, as they were sitting in the living room.

"Oh, Gege. Your home early." I said in surprise. He smiled and ruffled my head. "Canceled because some guy pulled the fire alarm. So here I am. Home."

We both made a couple sandwiches together. And also watched a show. I enjoy our little bonding moments. It's what keeps me from dying.


Not really.

"Yuejia. Are you free tonight?" I shook my head. Minghua-ge raised his brow at me.

"Your going out? The hell? With who?"

"A friend." He just shrugged. "Alright. Just come back before 12." He warned.

"No promises."

"Yuejia." He said in a lower and sterner voice. Making me slight scared about what he might do.

"Fine fine. Before 12. Happy?"

"Yes." He smiled, before taking another bit into his sandwich.

Minghua-ge isn't as protective over me as most brothers are. I mean- he is! But he's chill about it. And that's good. It's better than having a brother who's always on your ass, or one who doesn't give a shit about you. Minghua-ge is a good balance between both.

The sky soon darkens, as the moon and starts came out.

I got another text message from Jason and Shuhao, saying that they want me to meet them in 30 minutes.

I grabbed my jacket and headed out.

But little did I know. Someone was following me.





Hello Jennings!!!


Get ready for the next chapter!!!

Thank you for reading!!



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