20.| Gone

611 31 55

Linong's POV

I waited for her to visit me at the hospital the next day. But she never came. I miss her... why isn't she here yet?

"Nongnong. Why aren't you asleep yet?" Mama said as she walked in. I didn't answer her but sighed hard.

"Hm. Why are you so sad?" She asked, taking a seat next to me. "Mama," I called out. "Do you know where Yuejia is?"

As soon as I asked, mama's facial expression changed. As if she knew...

"Mama... you know where she is right? She's coming today right?" I asked with hope, but at the back of my head, I knew something was wrong.


"She left Linong."

I was confused. What does she mean left?

"What do you mean by that mama?"

"She's not coming back... she left with her brother last night."

Still... I was so confused. I don't get what she meant by left.

"B-But. We just confessed to each other yesterday! I also just woke up yesterday too! There's no way she would just leave me like that." I said in a panic way. But mama held my hand tightly. "She left for the better Linong. Please accept that... okay?"

I shook my head. "No. Did you tell her to leave?!" I yelled. Mama sighed hard as she avoided my eyes. "Your father and I made an agreement with her."

My eyes widen. "About?!"

"She promised us to leave you after she is 100% your going to be alive, and no longer in danger." I yanked my hand back away from mama.

"I can't believe you would do that... who do you think you are? Huh. That's not your decision to make!"

"Chen Linong! I am your mother! I have the rights to protect you! That is my job." I shake my head in disbelief.

"Then who is going to protect her?" I asked. Silence.

Mama then took something out of her bag then handed it to me.

"She wanted me to give this to you..." I took it away from her hands. "Mama. Can you leave me alone? Just for a bit?"

She nodded as she slowly turned away and left.

I looked down at the box. It was the box where I made for her out of paper.

Slowly took the lid off and saw a small little note.

With a small little pin. It had a picture of a sun with a happy face. I let out a cold chuckle.

Slowly I picked up the note and unfolded it. Her handwriting is so clear and lovely.


Hey... Linong.
I really don't know what to say, but thank you.
Thank you for annoying me, challenging me, befriending me... and loving me. There are days where I was at my shittest, where you have come in and made it less shitty. That is why I gave you that pin. It represents you. The happy, bright positive person that entered my life. But for me... I am the darkness. I only have a purpose for the night. No one waits for the darkness to come. They wait for the sun to come up. I'm bad luck. That is why I must leave and avoid you... because I care way too much for you.
Thank you for not leaving me. But instead stayed by my side no matter how pissed or negative I was. Thank you for protecting me. So in return.

It's my turn to protect you.
Go to our sanctuary. I left something underneath the bench.
Live your life to the fullest okay? 

Wo ai ni, Chen Linong.


Once I finished reading it. I was speechless. I was... angry and upset? I don't know what to feel.

I didn't just wake up to let her out of my life... I woke up because I was determined to protect her and be with her.

I stared at the pin and scoffed a bit as I felt wet drops fall onto my palm. I began to think if I never woke up. She would still be by my side...

"Damn it Yuejia... why did you do this to me?"


Your POV

"Meimei. Get up and get some fresh air. You've been inside all day!" Gege scold. But I didn't move away from my bed. I snuggled in my blanket even more.

"Sis. You are the strongest human being I know. Don't let this get to you. You told me you're doing this because you care for that kid." I sat up as I through my blanket off. 

"Can we not talk about that? Let's talk about something else!" Gege rolled his eyes at me. "Fine. Let's talk about papa's new child, or how the hell am I gonna support you!" 

I fell back and sighed hard. "1. Papa's demon child doesn't affect us. 2. I'll find a job, and we'll think of something." 

Gege patted my head. 

"But I want you to finish your education first." 

Again. I sighed hard. 

"Fine... I'm graduating this year anyway." 

I was lucky that Linong's father had connections to other schools. So, me transferring wasn't an issue. The only issue I'm worried about is that Linong might see me on the streets of Beijing... 

"Yuejia. After you graduate. I was planning on moving to Hong Kong." I starred back at him with wide eyes. 


He nodded slightly. "Yeah... There's only a month left before I finish university... and they already offered me a job in Hong Kong." 

"That's great!" 

He snicked a bit. "Yeah... but if we were to leave, then you really have to leave everything behind and create a new start. That include-"

"I know... and I-... I will."

I'm not risking it anymore... I'm not letting another person I care about get hurt because of me again... even if I love them.

Because if you love them enough... you would let them go.






Hello Jennings!!!


I apologize.

Thank you for reading though. 



𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞 & 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧|𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐠| ✓Where stories live. Discover now