2.| The Sunshine

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Your POV

"Zhen Yuejia, wake up!! You have school today remember!!" Rolling your eyes upon hearing your step-mom yell, she barged into your room, as your looked up to her from your dresser.

"What? I'm up and dressed already. So leave." I asked in a toneless voice. Hearing her sigh and slamming the door. 

I began to think today is going to be worst than any other day.

"Mei mei. I'll drop you off at school, then I'll head off to work okay?" I nodded to gege's words. He knew I wasn't in the mood today.. I mean, when am I?

"Minghua, let's go. I don't wanna be late like last time." He rolled his eyes as he stuck out a tongue.

"Well excuse me for being a perfect brother and grabbing your lunch that you have forgotten!" A smile appeared on my face, as I recalled that day.

"Hurry up!! Let's go." I called out, making him sigh. 

Once he dropped me off, I thanked him and walked off into the school while I heard the car drive off. It was another day here. Hell. 

Everyone was happily laughing with each other, while I just looked around and plugged in my earphones.

Class start, but I barely pay attention. I do enough to understand it, but not enough to get 100%. I think 60-70% is very impressive.

"Welcome back to another Monday~!" Our teacher cheered, while we all just kinda, I don't know, kept silent. 

"We have a new student that just transferred from Taiwan." All the students looked to the front and saw the new student. 

"Dajia Hao! My name is Chen LiNong~, but you can all me NongNong!" He introduced with a bright smile, so bright that everyone was in awe. I stared at him with admire. 

I wish I had his bright smile.

"Chen Linong, chose any seat you want." There was 2 seats left in this whole class, one behind me, one in the front, and one in the middle in at the very back.

He looked directly at me, then walked to the seat that was behind my seat-mate. I recognized him. He was the boy that I bumped into at the mall.

How could I forget those eyes.

Class then began. I wrote stuff down. Then I suddenly just lost interest. I got the basics. So i'll be fine.

Soon it ended, break then came, the it ended. Finally lunch came. It was maybe the one part of the day that I enjoyed.

Because I can be alone, and be in my own thoughts. 

Walking to the cafeteria, I grabbed some food, and headed to my favourite spot to eat. The very corner of that room. I went of my phone, but suddenly. 

The whole cafeteria stopped talking. The noise was gone, it was quite. As if no one was even in here. Lifting my eyes away from my phone I saw him sitting right in front of me.

Chen Lin- What's his name again?

"Chen Linong! Come sit with us." One of the popular boys said. But he didn't move. I furrowed my brows together.

No one has ever sat with me. They never dare to. 

"Listen new kid. You should go sit with you friends. I'm someone you don't wanna know or get close to." I said getting up and leaving him and the cafeteria.

But I was amazed. Someone has guts to talk to me. 

"Zhen Yuejia!" I stopped in my tracks as I slowly my body. 

It was him again. 

"You know. Your getting very annoying." I exclaimed. He flashed me a bright smile of his and walked forwards to me. 

Turning my body I ran to the yard, trying to avoid him. Leaning against the brick wall, I pulled a cigarette out of my bag and lite it up.

"Whatta creep." I mumbled. 

"You know, smoking is bad for you." I screamed by the sudden voice, making me drop the cigarette. Gripping my sleeves, as I stepped on the cigarette, so it would go out.

"Your getting on my nerves Chen Linong." I growled. But he just stood there with his amazingly cute face, and smiled.

"I want us to be friends."

"Fuck. Off." 

"Zhen Yuejia. Please, be my friend." I rolled my eyes. 

"Look Chen Linong. I make friends, got it? Second, I'm doing you a favour of new being your friend." You answered, grabbing you bag and leaving him behind.

What the hell is up with that guy? I met him once, by bumping into his shoulder at the mall.

♪♫Ring Ring♪♫

I heard my phone vibrate, making me pull it out of my blazer, to see who it was.





I stopped breathing when my brother said that... it's not mom. It can't be her.


"It's mama." 

I dropped my phone and ran out of the school campus.

"ZHEN YUEJIA!! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" I didn't look back but just kept running to see who called my name I didn't care at this point. 

Tears slowly fell from my eyes. My mind was racing, it was thinking of so many scenario of what happened. 

But I knew well. At the back of my head. I knew what happened... I just didn't want to believe it.






Hello Jennings!!!


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