3.| The Moon

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Your POV

Running for what seems like hours. I finally got to the hospital, meeting Minghua gege at the front entrance.

"Yuejia... hurry!" Minghua spoke as we both ran up to our mothers room.

Doctors and nurses were running in and out from there, it was... painful to see. I broke down in tears, and fell to the ground.

"Yuejia!" Minghua called when he saw the doctors come out. Lifting my head from my knees, I got up along with him.

"DOCTOR! How is my mom?!" I yelled, grabbing onto the doctor. He licked the bottom of his lips and looked at us in pity.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't save your mother." I pushed the doctor aside, then bolted in the room. I slowly touched mama's hand... it was cold.

"Yuejia.." Tears fell from my eyes, while Minghua held onto my shoulders. "Why?! Why did she have to leave?! She told us she was doing fine!! Was that a lie!!" I screamed. I never have thought of my mother would die. I never thought of it. I never had that thought.

Minghua then got onto his knees and we both held onto mama's hand. 

"Where is papa?" I managed to ask, but just the thought of him at home with my step-mom kills me.

"He said he's coming." I shook my head with hiding my face in my arm. "He's lying.. gege... I-I-I..."

"Shhhh. Gege is here. I'll take care of-of you..." Minghua sniffed. "That's a promise." I looked up to him and wiped his tears away.

"Gege.. We'll take care of each other." He nodded vigorously and hugged me tightly, hiding his face behind my back, resting his chin on my shoulder. His cries got louder, while I bit my lip trying to hold it in, being the strong one this time.

After what seemed like serval hours. The doctors moved mama into another room, the two of us went home.

Walking through the doors, we heard laughter and happiness. Something that he doesn't deserve.

"Kids~! Your home." Me and Minghua bowed to him and our step-mom, in respect. But when we raised our heads, we both shot him a glare.

"Where were you in those 6 hours me and Yuejia were at the hospital."He face darkens. "I heard you mother was fine, so I didn't come." He answer bluntly.

I felt my hands balled up in a fist. I wanted to punch him so bad for saying that.

"Who told you that?" Minghua asked. I know he's also trying to hold in his anger. I can just tell by his voice.

"Your mother did." I looked over to her as she smiled. "You bitch!" I yelled. I wanted to run over to her and slap her so bad!


Papa's gaze on the both of us soften. "What did you say? Goodbye? What do you mean goodbye?"

I pushed Minghua away from me, so I could walk over to our step-mom. 

"Goodbye. As in death." I answered papa. Looking over to our step-mom, I scoffed at her.

"You just stopped a man from saying goodbye to his former wife. Are you really that selfish that you wouldn't let him go for only 10 minutes. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?" She was shaking in fear.

"I-I-I-I'm so sorry Yuejia.. I-I-It's because I found out that I'm pregnant.." Again. I scoffed as I leaned in closer.

"I hope you sleep well tonight Mama.. Because I hope this guilt will haunt you for life." 

"ZHEN YUEJIA! That is no way to speak to your mother." You kicked the chair loudly. "My mother? Excuse me? My mother is the women who gave birth to me! AND IS LYING LIFELESSLY AT THE HOSPITAL!"

I quickly stomped out of the kitchen and walked up to my room, slamming the door behind me.

Slowly crawling into bed, I hugged my knees and cried. I hated this feeling, the feeling of pain and suffering!! I FUCKING HATE IT....

I just wanted my mother to live, I just wanted her to always smile.. that's all I wished for.. but why. What did I do in the past to deserve this.

This is my fault.. I was born like this. I was born with darkness surround me, everywhere I go it follows, and it affects the people I love...

I decided to be strong, emotionless. So that I will never be able to feel anything. I'll just be a living corpse.

Opening the window so I could escape, I walked to a bar nearby. Drinking some alcohol, I began to feel emotionless. 

It was removing the pain, and all what I hate. The burning sensation for the liquid traveled down my throat. It helped me forget. I won't have to remember those sad moments, painful ones. None of it. 

Leaving the bar, being somewhat sober, I saw a group of people in the darkness behind the alley way.

"Hey!!" I yelled, beginning to walk to them in a semi-drunk way. Considering I'm semi-drunk.

"What do you want?" I heard one of them asked. 

"I'm going to- to join yourrr ganggg.." One of them pushed me against the wall, making me groan in pain, but it quickly went away.

"And what makes you think you can?" The voice said. Kicking the person who was holding me in the chest. That person fell to the ground. I got onto them, and pinned his hands down.

"Because I said so." He tried to get away from my grasp, but for some reason he couldn't. "Psh, your not even stronger than me.. I pity you." 

"HEY!! WATCH YOUR MOUTH!" The voice yelled. You closed your eyes and sighed hard.

"Let me join your group. Let me join where I belong. Darkness." 

"Your in." Opening my eyes and squinting really hard to see who it was. It was a guy, he looked young..

"Ahaho!. Good choice, good choice." I said, getting up on my feet. But my ankle twisted onto it's side, making me fall. 

Or almost. 

Because someone saved my fall. "What's your name?"

Waving my finger in the air, as I was slightly, ever so, slightly getting sober. I answered him.

"Zhen Yuejia."






Hello Jennings!!!!


Yuejia is such a savage. I love it.

Thank you for reading!!

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