22.| Bink Of An Eye

513 33 24

Your POV

2 years...

24 months have passed. My life maybe has completely changed; of course for the better.

Lulu was left by her parents and we couldn't find them. But gege and I didn't have the money to support her, so the only choice was an orphanage. The first day we put her there she was extremely scared to be alone. I know what she was afraid that I wouldn't come back for her.

But I promised her that I would come back for her. It took a while of convincing, but finally, she listened and trusted me.

From that day on, and after I graduated high school, I would visit her every Friday and Saturday. Lulu improved a lot, she became less shy, but she is still very clingy to me and gege.

After 2 years, gege found a job in Hong Kong as an architecture. Yes. An architecture. I was very proud of him, all of his hard work has paid off. I ended up working with gege in his company, but of course, his job made his ranks much higher than me, I was just a receptionist. Which I think was the best I could get in the industry, considering all my life I didn't give 2 shits.

When I told Lulu about gege and I leaving for Hong Kong, she immediately burst into tears, hugging me tightly, beginning me not to go.

It broke my heart. It broke my heart to see her like that, it reminded me when mama passed away... and I don't ever want Lulu to go through what I did. So I asked gege if she could come with us. Again... we didn't have enough money to support 3 people, to add on that, we just started out with our jobs and careers too. So income wasn't that great.

Lulu was a strong girl, she never complained about being an orphan or wanting to move in with us. Lulu moves to an orphanage in Hong Kong. She quickly became shy because they mostly speak Cantonese here, there were some Mandarin, but not much.

So now... in a blink of an eye. I'm 20, gege is 24 and Lulu is 6. Turns out when I found her, she was 4 and a half. We found her profile and learned that she does have parents, but they are nowhere to be found.

In those 2 years. I really changed, I really let go of my past and looked forward to the future. Maybe because I saved Lulu that night... it was the first time I saved someone, instead of screwing it up. It motivated me to do better and I did.

I snapped out of my thoughts, returning back to see Lulu all snuggled up in my arms.

"Hm... Lulu, let me put you to bed okay?"

It was Friday, I was there at the orphanage, it was about 7 pm, usually when the time she goes to bed. I carried her in my arms while she rested her head on my shoulder.

"Jiejie... can you tell me more about Chen Linong?"

"Lulu." I scold. "That's not nice to call someone their full name when they are older than you."

"I'm sorry... when I first heard about him, it was that name." She explained in a cute innocent manner. I placed her down on her bed, tucked her in and rested my head on the edge.

"Who did you hear that name from?"


I mentally sighed.

"Jiejie. Tell me about him, who is he?"

"He..." I trailed off. "He's used to be my crush." I answered truthfully, which made Lulu's eyes widen.

"Really?! Was he handsome?" I rubbed her forehead, calming her down. "He was."

"So where is he now?"

"Probably in Beijing still."

"Jiejie, do you still li-"

"Lulu. That's enough questions for one night. It's late. Go to bed." She listened to me and closed her eyes. I say there a little bit longer, running my fingers through her hair, soothing her and making her fall asleep.

Chen Linong... I wonder if he's still in Beijing, or maybe he moved back to Taiwan. I wonder if he's dating someone, or what he's pursuing right now...

I hope he is doing well.

Knowing him, I bet he is.






Hello Jennings!!!


The next chapter will most likely be about Linong and his side of the story.

Thank you for reading!!



𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞 & 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧|𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐠| ✓Where stories live. Discover now