6.| Tell Me

876 33 26

Second Person POV

"Yuejia!! Get your ass up!!" Rolling your eyes upon hearing your step-mom yell, you opened the door to you room to her standing there, with her hand in the air, ready to bang on it.

"What do you want?" You asked.

Your step-mom huffed as she was angry about something.

"Where is breakfast?"

You sighed hard, as you were about to slam the door. "Oh come on.. You gotta be more angry something else."

"Again. Where is breakfast?" You shrugged. "Not my problem, considering I don't eat breakfast."

"But I'm pregnant!!" She screamed. But you could care less.

"Well you should've thought of that before you fucked my papa." You answered smirking, grabbing your bag, swinging it over your shoulder and leaving your room, closing it behind as you passed your step-mom, who was shaking in anger at your last comment.

Once you came downstairs. You saw Minghua in the kitchen. He noticed you as well, so he called you, reminding you about your lunch. "Mei mei, don't forget you lunch."

"ZHEN YUEJIA!!" Once you heard your step-mom scream, Minghua jumped a bit, then gawked at you while you quickly winked at him and ran out of the house.

"Ai yah.. what a morning.. then again, when isn't my life like this?"

You walked to school, on the way, your little gang ran into you.

"Zhen Yuejia. We would like to have a word with you." You smiled as one of them wrapped an arm around your shoulder in a friendly way.

There were 3 boys, and you. So the 4 of you walked to an ally-way. You leaned against the wall and looked at them with an emotionless expression.

"There's going to be a deal tonight, and Zhang FeiTong wants you there." You got the point, so you nodded.

"What kind of deal?" You asked, lighting a cigarette. "Drug deal."

You choked a bit, you didn't know if it was from the smoke you inhaled, or the fact that you have only joined this group for less than a week, and they want you in a drug deal already.

"You-aha! Your kidding right?!! Zhang Feitong does not trust me that much." But the others shook there heads and smiled.

"Oh he trusts you. Way to much. And he expects you to be there." They said before walking off. You soon realized you still had school to attend, and only remaining with 10 minutes left before 1st period started.

You ran as fast as you could, running every stop sign for pedestrians, making a lot of car honking, hearing the road and tires rub against each other, making that 'skrrt' sound.

Lots of people called you crazy, but did you really care.

Not really.

Luckily you got to school with only 3 minutes remaining. Everyone was already in there seats, so you just walked to yours and waited.

"Yuejia." You heard Linong's voice. You rolled your eye as you looked over your right shoulder to face him.


"Can we talk at lunch?" He whispered. You furrowed your brows.


"Because I saw y-"

"Ok class, get your books out." Before Linong could finish his sentence, the teacher came in, cutting his sentence, making class begin.

You turned your head back to face the board. And so the lesson began, but on your mind, you thought about what Linong had to say..

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞 & 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧|𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐠| ✓Where stories live. Discover now