25.| Found You

588 38 37

Third Person POV


Yuejia and Minghua finally, saw they called out her name.

Linong then let down, as Lulu ran into Yuejia's arms, crouching down.

While Linong stood there... gawking at the scene.

Is that her daughter?

He thought... but also the fact that the person who's hugging her is the person he has been trying to find for the past 2 years.

"Zhen Yuejia..."

"Lulu-ah!! Why did you run away?!" Yuejia scolded. "AY! Do you know how worried and angry I am at you?!"

"Sis. Go easy on her. She's fine now, she's back." Minghua said as he picked up Lulu and carried her in his arms.

Yuejia stood up; in the process, she made eye contact with Linong...

They both stood there and stared at each other... as if time had stopped.

"Hey, sis... I'm gonna bring Lulu back. I'll see you at home."

Yuejia didn't respond but continued to stare at him.

Linong was the first to make a move. He walked towards Yuejia, who was still frozen as ice.

"Yuejia... is that you?"

"I-I... oh, my god." She was lost for words.

Linong threw his arms around her and held her tightly in his arms, resting his head on top of hers.

Linong threw his arms around her and held her tightly in his arms, resting his head on top of hers

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"Yuejia... I've missed you." He breathed out.

"Chen Linong." She finally said something. "I n-need to go."

Linong hugged her tighter, not letting her out of his grasp.

"No... I'm not letting you out of my arms again, not until you give me an explanation of where the hell you have been and why did you do it!"

Yuejia slowly raised her arms, gripping the back of his sweater tightly until her knuckles turned white.

She gritted her teeth, holding in the emotions.

"I-I....-" Her voice broke. "-I'm sorry..."

Yuejia buried her face in his chest as she sobbed silently.

Linong hid his face in the crook of her neck, inhaling in her scent and the reality of her being here.

"I've missed you... so so much." She cried.

Linong lifted up her chin and looked at her before crashing his lips onto hers. Yuejia kissed him back; their lips moved in sync as a single tear rolled down her cheek.

His hand slowly moved down to her cheek, where he cupped it perfectly, bring her closer, deepening the kiss.

Yuejia was the first to break the kiss; their lips parted only a little as they both opened their eyes, to see a little sparkle, a glimmer in each other.

"I've missed those lips of yours..." Linong admits. Diving down for another kiss. Yuejia's heart fluttered as she felt weak at her legs.

She missed him. She knew that. But she didn't know that she had missed him this much. Or the fact that she still loves him.




"-again," Linong says between kisses.

Finally, he looked at her asking and waiting for an answer.

"I-I don't know if I can promise you that..." Yuejia nervously says as she hides her face from him.

Linong was in shock from her. After what he has confessed to her, she still is resistant, it doesn't make any sense.

"Fine... then explain to me what has happened over the past 2 years, and why you left me..."

Yuejia gripped his shoulders as she took in a deep breath. "I left... I left because of you. I loved you so much, I loved you more than I love myself. That is why I left for your safety. Yes, I know that you hated your parents for telling me to go, but I was gonna leave either way."

"No. You leaving, was the reason why I lost it. I tried finding you..."

"See what I mean!" She yelled. "If I had kept my distance away from you; you would have never gotten to know who I am, you would have never fallen in love with me, you would have never of gotten hurt..."

"I hate you for doing that-"

"Good! Hate me!"

"-but I love you so much for thinking like that," He finishes. "What else happened?"

"Gege and I moved to Hong Kong because he got a job here. But before I did, I saw a little girl, hiding in the bushes. Her name was Cao Lulu. I took her home and tried to find her parents... but they were off the grid, so I had no choice but to bring her to an orphanage. After gege got the job, we were forced to move. But there was something about Lulu I couldn't let go of, so I brought we brought her with us... and here we are."

Linong sighed. "You know... I thought Lulu was your daughter, I was taken back a bit because of how you treated her."

Yuejia smiles. "Hm. Well, she's not."

The both of them stood there without talking. Just staring into each other's eyes.

Before Yuejia broke the silence. "Linong-ah... I need to get going... thank you for finding Lulu."

Before Yuejia left, Linong grabbed her wrist and pulled her back, wrapping his arms around her. "Will I see you again?"

"I'm not gonna promise anything... but I really hope so."

He kissed the top of her head before letting her go and watching her walk off.

"I found her, finally after 2 years... I found her."






Hello Jennings!!!

They are lowkey reunited!!


Thank you for reading!!



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