19.| By Your Side

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Linong's POV

When will I wake up from this... this nightmare.

I'm going crazy from just staring at this perfect, "happy place". Even though it's fake.

"Gaahh... I want to kill myself from just seeing this. Why can't I just wake up?!" I yelled, gripping my hair.

"Chen Linong-ah. Why the hell haven't you woken up yet?" I heard her voice. It's her voice.

"Yuejia!!! Where are you??" There was no answer.

"No... Yuejia!" I dropped down to the ground and cried. I want to see her... I just to hold her and tell her I loved her... but why am I not allowed to do that?

"Yuejia... I love you... just. Just so much."

Then... suddenly my surroundings went black. But a tiny bright light was still shinning.

'Don't go to it' my brain said. But in my heart, I knew it was my way out... so I went.


Your POV

I sat by his side for the past 5 days now.

But still nothing. Just the dumb sound of his heart rate, and nothing else.

"Yesh... Linong-ah... I never knew it would be so hard just to wait for someone to wake up." I groaned. But soon regretted it.

"I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean that. It's just I miss hearing your voice and all. Please wake up soon. You know how impatient I am..."

Again... as much as I talked and try. I get nothing back in return.

I reached out and grabbed his hand, squeezing it a bit.

"Apart is of me wishes that you will never wake up so that I can always be by your side... but the other half wishes you did, to know that you're going to be okay... but if that happens. I would have to leave."

Again... no movement. Nothing.

"Aha. Linong-ah. Please do something to tell me you're going to wake up." I whined a bit.

Then... I felt it. I felt him... move his hand. He gripped the hand I was holding tightly.

No words could describe how happy I was to know that he is alive and waking up.


He's awake.

"Li-Linong! You're awake! Finally." I said, tearing up. He looked over to my side and smiled in relief. "Your real right?"

"Course I am dumbass! Oh! Let me go get a doctor!" As I said that Linong didn't let go of my hand. But pulling me, making me crash into his side.

"It really is you... thank god."

"Aha- LINONG! My shoulder..." I panicked. Linong quickly lets go of me, looking at me with concern. "What wrong with your shoulder??"

"Don't worry about me. The important thing is that you're alive."


The doctor said that Linong is recovering fine, and he should be able to check out in 2 days.

In the time meaning before his parents come. I sat by his side, just trying to use up as much as time with him as possible.

"You want me to get you some water?" I asked he shook his head in response. "When did you get so kind and caring for others?" He asked, making me smirk a bit. "I decided to give myself another chance at being another, decent human. One that doesn't include killing, hating, making enemies, and putting the people I care about in danger."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞 & 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧|𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐠| ✓Where stories live. Discover now