28.| Cheesy

588 38 28

2nd Person POV

You were sitting at home, helping Minghua with his architecture stuff and what not, when your phone vibrated.

You made eye contact with it but was hesitant to pick it up.

"Go pick it up. I'm sure it's your boyfriend." Minghua groaned as he continued working on his blueprints.

You smiled brightly at your brother before running grabbing your phone to see who it was.


Ma 1 & Own-Lee

Ma 1 & Own-Lee- Baby-ahh!! I miss you!

Ma 1 & Own-Lee- Yuejia! Are you free right now?? Come meet mee! I wanna see you before I head back 2morrow

You bit your lip a bit at the thought of being with him right now. But you couldn't just leave Minghua alone when you promised to help him work.

Ma 1 & Own-Lee- Babyyy!! Please answer! I know you read them!!!

Fine. Let me see what I can do... - You

You slowly walked over to your brother with a smiled creped up on your face. 


"Go already. I can do this by myself, you go and I'll be with your boyfriend... before he, I don't know? Leave's you?"

"Hey! Don't jinx it!" I warned before grabbing my jacket and heading running out the door. 

"Jeez... I never thought my little sister would go all soft for a boy." Minghua says as he chuckled to himself.


"Babyy~!!!" He calls out your name with open arms, waiting for you to crash into his body.  

Linong waited for you to come to the dock near the ocean. Where the ocean breeze it was perfect near when the day is almost over.

"OUF!" He grunts as you made contact to him, wrapping his arms around you and kissing your head.

"Hi, love." He mumbles against your hair. 

"Hi, Nongnong," You greeted sweetly in his chest. He felt the warmth of your breath, seeping through his shirt.

"You know... I'm still getting used to the fact that my high school crush, that was a savage, and one of the rudest girls in school... now look at her. All soft and sweet." Linong teases, while your cheeks heated up with embarrassment.

"Hmm. Don't tease me. Be happy that I've changed. I've always been this sweet, but before my mama past away."

"I know love... I'm sorry I even said anything about it." Linong apologized by kissing your lips. 

It made you happy and when he kisses you when he embraces you when he loves you.

"Yuejia. I love you from the moon and back." 

You snickered a bit at him. "Hm... cheesy."

"Baby. I've always been cheesy." He says as he turns you around so that he can back you from behind.

" He says as he turns you around so that he can back you from behind

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"So, you will just love me if you went to the moon and back. And once you come back... does that mean you won't love me anymore?"

He hides his face in the crook of your neck as you stare out at the ocean, seeing the waves crash onto the shore.

"It's so beautiful..." You whispered, admiring the scenery. 

"Not as beautiful as youuuu~" Once again, he said something cheesy. 

"Aha!!! You're sooo cheesy! It's getting annoying." You complained, but that meant nothing to Linong. He loves your reaction whenever he says something cheesy, it's cute.

You rested your head on the palm of your hand, while Linong rested his chin on your shoulder comfortably.

You embraced in the warmth he was transferring to you. But to think that he has to head back tomorrow makes you feel lonely already.


"Yes, baby?"

"Do you really have to leave tomorrow?"

He didn't answer but nod his head that was still perfectly fitted on your shoulder. 

"Ah..." You sighed hard. "The past 2 weeks have been so nice with you here... for me and Lulu." 

Once again, he didn't say anything but place a gentle kiss on your shoulder. "I've enjoyed it well, babe."

"Can you sing a song for me?"

"Course, love."

Linong then starts to sing 'Girl'. His gentle soft voice was so beautiful and soothing for you, so soothing you closed your eyes.

After he finishes singing he cups your face, making you open your eyes to meet his.

He opens his mouth to say maybe the cheesiest thing all evening... but maybe also the most romantic thing.

"I will love you for eternity."


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Hello Jennings!!


I think this chapter deserves some love because they do.

Thank you for reading!!




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