15.| Movie

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Hello Jennings!!!

I'm so sorry I haven't updated any of my books for the past week. I had this essay I wanted to finish up first, and I also had my spring break coming up, which has already started. I thought I should finish my homework and then work on the books later.

So I apologize if you had waited, and stayed up late. Please forgive me.

In return, I will update every day for you~

I won't promise it will be the 3 books every day, but I will update anyone of them every day. Does that make sense?

Thank you for understanding~ I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Oh. Ps. Do you like the new book covers? I made the exclusively to my Idol Producer books.


Your POV

"Yuejia! Where are you?!" I rolled my eyes as I heard my step-mother scream... also the fact that she is like, I don't know 6 months pregnant. So she's like 6 times the nightmare.


"What?" Opening my door and answered back. "Where the hell is my massaging cream? I swear to god if you have if I will tell your father-"

Hearing her say that made me scoff loudly. "Yeah? And what the hell is he going to do?" I said back, also grabbing her fucking cream from her pillow and running downstairs and giving it to her. 

"Here. Oh, and I didn't take this, it was on your pillow. Next time go for yourself, don't make other people do it," Smiling sarcastically, I turned my back and walked off back to my room, but she called me back. 


I turned around and faced her. 

"Where do you think you're going?" She asked crossing her arms. "The movie, why?" She scoffed. "No. You're going to stay home-" She started, but I cut her off. "Yeah... when the hell did you pay attention to my life? And when did I ever listen?" 

"Yuejia, I know you well enough, and I know quite well-"

"You don't know shit about me,"

She clicked her tongue. "Fine. I don't know anything about you then... but I do know one thing, I'm married to your dad, so technically I'm your mother... now you better listen to me, whether you like it or not," I shook my head gently. "Unbelievable... you know why I haven't lost my shit on you yet? Because I still respect my papa, I respect you- or a little bit of you. I haven't lost my shit on you because you make my papa happy. Okay? You do you, and I do me,"

My step-mother was in shock that I had said such thing, but I mean. I wasn't lying. I do hate that woman, but she makes my papa happy, and she takes care of him when I'm not around. 


Chen NongNong

Chen NongNong - Yuejia~!! Don't forget about today

Course not... you've been spamming me all yesterday about it - You

Chen NongNong - Sorry... just i'm really excited.

I don't know why you're even excited. - You

Chen NongNong - That's because I'm going out with you!!

I heard my heart skip a beat after reading that. I know his feelings towards me... I know that he has this small little crush on me. But I can't risk it. I can't, and won't let him be any closer to me that he is already. The fact that he knows who I am and sometimes follows me to Feitong's place is probably the worst thing about it already. 

I'll meet you there in 20 minutes - You

I grabbed my jacket, money and my phone, left my room and out the house. About 15 minutes later I got to the movie theatre and saw Linong standing there already. 

"Well look made it here early," I said, he smiled brightly, showing his teeth as he sliding his hands into his pockets. 

"Well, you did say 20 minutes," He responds. "Good answer," 

"Ah! What movie do you want to watch again?" 

I look at the banners and smirked upon seeing one that caught my attention most.

"That one," I pointed. Linong gawked at me, while I was smirking.

"Your kidding right? You're not gonna be scared right?" 

"Psh! Why would I be? I practically live in the dark. I have nothing to be afraid of," Linong clicked his tongue as we both got the tickets.

"2 tickets for The Conjuring please," He said, sounding hesitant. I nudged his side and smirked while whispering in his ear. "You're not scared are you?"

"Nope. I'm sure you the one though," His answer made me wonder if he has already watched it. "Have you seen it already? That's why you're not scared," 

"I have not seen it, and it's just a movie, I don't really get scared,"

"Fine. Make that in 3D please!" I told the cashier, Linong then shrugged. "Fine by me,"

We got our tickets, popcorn, seats. Now we're just waiting for the movie to start.

"Are you sure you're not scared?" I asked again. Still, he acted pretty normal about it. "Yeah. Look if you're scared. We can go watch Black Panter and call it a day," 

"No!! I was just worried you were scared- Oh! It's starting," The lights went off and so the movie began.

As we were watching I felt myself get chills, cold even, as the suspense was insane...


"Shhh!" Linong hushed as he covered my mouth with his hand. The jumpscare was way too unexpected. 

I pushed his hand away, continuing to watch the movie. And holy shit was it scary and fucked up... I don't even remember half the damn movie, because on the 3rd jumpscare- or second scary part I was hiding in Linong's sleeve.

NOT LITERALLY, but he was just sitting all normal, his breathing was even steady, while I was all curled up in my chair, holding into his arm like my life depended on it. 

(Go to Linong's part, I believe it's around 0:35)

Finally, the movie ended, I felt myself ease up as I got up from the seat.

"Psh. I can't believe how scared you got, ahhahaah!!" He teased. I threw a punch hit his arm as we left the theatre.

"How the fuck weren't you dying? Your like the most sweet and innocent guy I know," I said. Linong then chuckled. "Yeah... But!! I'm also the manliest guy you will ever know,"

"Tch... Yeah. I see that," I said sarcastically. 

"I mean it Yuejia," He defended.

"Yeah. What can you prove?" I challenged. "Well, for one. I watched one of the scariest movies without even flinching. I can outrun you in a race, I arm-wrestle all the boys, and came first, and..."


"And protect you,"






Hello Jennings!!

How was this chapter??

Ah!! Chen Linong is honestly a little sunshine, but he is sooo manly I cant..

Thank you for reading!!



𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞 & 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧|𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐠| ✓Where stories live. Discover now