13.| Bufan...

692 39 26

Your POV

I felt a cool breeze this morning when I woke up. Even some birds chirping, and I don't mean my step-mom, I mean actually birds.

My eyelids slowly fluttered open, to be welcomed by the blue sky and even fresh air.

"Hm?" I hummed a bit, sitting up. I looked around and realized that we're still at that place Linong brought me to. He draped his school blazer over me, while I was laying on his lap. 

"Wow... I can't believe we slept here. Then again it's not the craziest thing I've ever done." I said quietly. But I guess Linong is a light sleeper.

"Oh. Your up." He shook his head a bit, making his hair sway back and forth.

"Here." I handed his blazer back. "Thank you for giving it to me." He took it back, swinging it over his shoulder.

"We should get to school. It's already 7:30," I nodded as the both of us walked to school, I checked my phone and saw over 80 miss calls from Minghua-ge, I texted back saying I was alive and all, and that I was taking care of a friend. He brought it, and in a way. I wasn't really lying. I was with a friend. He was taking care of me instead though.

 Funny thing is that I barely remembered anything last night, I do remember things, but not the whole picture.

"Hey. Linong." I called, he hummed back in response. "What happened last night?"

He suddenly stopped in his tracks, making me bump into his shoulder. "YAH! Don't just stop like that!" I yelled, but he didn't say anything back. It was, odd?

"Yah. What happened last night?" I asked again. He just bit his lip and stayed silent. I rolled my eyes before kicked his leg from behind, making him fall to the ground.

"Agh!! You didn't have to kick me!" He complained. I shrugged. "That's what you get for not answering me."

He got back up, still whining a bit. "Aiya. I'm sorry for kicking you. But I know you remembered what happened, so tell me!" 

He let out an 'aish' while messaging the part where I kicked him. "We kissed last night. Happy?" 

I grabbed his collar and pulled him down to my height with a very concern expression.

"WHAT?! We kissed?!" He bit his lip and nodded a bit. I let go of his collar and sighed.

Everything was coming to me now. That memory clear as day now. I slapped my head a few times, but Linong held my arm back before I could hit my head even more.

"Stop hitting yourself. I don't like it," I yanked my hand back before walking past him. 

Why didn't I remember before? 

"Yuejia. Did you not want it to happen?" He asks. I nodded, slowly turning around. "Linong. I don't want you to have any sort of positive feelings towards. That kiss, that was just a one-time thing. Let it go." I said before continuing to walk. 

For the first time. I actually felt guilty for being harsh towards him, again, when aren't I?


We both made it to school with no words shared between. He was quite the whole time, which I guess is good.

"ZHEN YUEJIA!" I heard my name being called. I rolled my eyes, turning my head to see Bufan stomping his way over to me.

"Watch where your walking, you might hit a lightbulb," I warned in joking way, which I guess made him even more upset.

His eyes were flaming, as I felt the ground shaking from just his footsteps, imagine him running in physical education. A nightmare.

"Zhen Yuejia!! Where's your little boyfriend?" He teased, pushing me against the lockers. Once again, the students stood around and watched, or walked away, but no sight of Linong. I'm guessing he finally listened to me.

"He is not my boyfriend. Let me go," I demanded, feeling my airways slowly failing me. He was beginning to choke me. I tried to not move as much because if you do, your wasting energy. That is the last thing I want right now.

"Let's see how long you can hold your breath." 

Little by little, I felt myself get dizzier and dizzier. I heard Bufan chuckle faintly. 

"Tch. I guess you're not very good at this."

"Let her go Bufan." Immediately my body drop onto the floor, I felt my airways opened, I could breathe again as my vision got more clear. In the corner of my eyes. I saw Linong, along with someone else.

"M-Mr Chen!" Bufan stuttered, while I heard everyone gasp. 

My brain was still a blur from the loss of oxygen, but... Mr. Chen?

"Bufan. You know that I could fire your father right?" 

"Y-Yes sir." 

"Yuejia." I felt my body being lifted up from the floor. "Your gonna be alright. Just breathe." 

"Linong?" I mumbled out as my vision is finally getting better than before. I could see everyone just staring at me, or Bufan. Finally, I saw this tall man. He was wearing a formal suit or whatever. He was just glaring at Bufan, while he was standing there with his hands behind his back.

I scoffed slightly. 

So the big bully has a weakness.

The tall man dismissed everyone and told Bufan to go into his office. I was quite amused and told Linong he could let me down now.

I was surprised he didn't say anything about how my weight was.

The man walked towards me and Linong. But this time he had a smile on his face.

"You must be Zhen Yuejia. I'm Linong's father," My jaw dropped as I heard him introduced himself.

"A-Aha. Ni-hao. Thank you for helping me," I thanked, but he just smiled, while shaking his head a bit.

"The person you should be thanking is my son. He was the one who called me here,"

I turned my head to face Linong, just to see him smiling with sincere in his eyes, before he said,"You know, maybe you could learn to appreciate me before doing anything else,"

"And why should I?"

"Because," He trailed off.

I waited for him to finish. 

"Because every bad girl, needs a good boy,"






Hello Jennings!!



Thank you for reading!!



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