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Second POV

Minghua had drop you off at school. You both didn't say a word since last night.

Your eyes were puffy, you felt like you were rotting from the inside out. Because maybe it was true. You didn't sleep last, since you were up last night with your new group.

After you were sober, they all introduced themselves to you, and you were in there little gang. Well. You wouldn't say little. 

They were pretty well known in the mafia world for a bunch of teenagers. But still you felt like you belonged to them, they were ruthless. Definition of darkness. Besides killing. They were teenagers after all. But drugs, money, heartless. It was them.

So back to the present. You entered the classroom and saw Linong sitting at his seat, as he waved to you with a smile. You did react much, you wanted to die already. It was hard being at school. Even harder now that you had this secret life you were living that no body knew about.

"Alright class. Your going to be put into a partnership to make make a project about the pass of any city in China." Your teacher said. All the students groaned, hitting there heads against their desks.

"Chen Linong, your partnered with Zhen Yuejia." You heard your name and Chen Linong in the same sentence.

Rolling eyes and looking over your shoulder, he was smiling brightly, you maybe could see a hint of pink on his cheeks.

You scoffed lightly. 

Him working with me.? 


Linong's POV

Everyday seemed like a new day for a new opportunity. Everyday is a new day for a chance to do something.

But that's not Zhen Yuejia. She's always so gloomy. Especially today. Her eyes were red, and puffy, there were bags under her eyes. It always bothered me why she's so negative against everyone.

I'm not gonna lie, a girl like her is so pretty-no she is stunningly beautiful, but the down side is that she's so, and I cannot stress this enough. SHE IS REALLY NEGATIVE!

"Hey! Chen Linong!" I jumped by the sudden call of Yuejia.


"Which city you wanna do the project on?" She asked. Thinking about a city, one in particular came in mind.

"Shanghai." She nodded in satisfactory.

"Sounds good to me. I'll do half, while you do the other." She said before turning away and got straight to work.

She is so weird and mysterious. One moment she can be the rudest girl I have ever met, then the next she can be one of the nicest.

Lunch time came, and all the students headed to the cafeteria. 

Again, I saw her sitting there alone in that little corner. Some of the guys told me to come sit with them, but I wanted to go sit with Yuejia. 

Even if she doesn't want to talk to me, I just want to sit with her.

"Chen Linong. I going to say this once." She sighed. "Leave me alone."

"Why?" I asked. She shot a glare at me and began to laugh. 

"Are you serious? Your asking the most baddest girl in school why to leave her alone? Your fucking joking right?" I pursed my lips together and shook my head. 

"I want to sit with you." She rolled her eyes at me and crossed her arms. "You know. I'm going to be nice one more time. Leave me alone, from now on, and you will actually live until you 80. If not, I'm afraid your going to die a bit early."

Yuejia said, I was about to say something back, but Cai Xukun pulled away before I could say anything.

"Cai Xukun! Why did you do that?" I yelled before looking back at Yuejia gave me a thumbs up.

"I'm only saving your ass Linong. There are some things you don't know, and it's best if you didn't know."






Hello Jennings!!!

Do you know what Cai Xukun mean't by 'there are things you don't know?'

Or do you know if Chen Linong knows what he means.?


Thank you for reading!!!




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