12.| Secret Sanctuary

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Linong's POV

She was like a flower to me. She was sobbing in silence. I held her tight in my body. I hated to hear her cry, I just wanted to protect her, keep her safe from all danger.

"Yuejia. Are you feeling fine now?" I whisper. She nodded against my chest, indicating a yes. I pulled her away a bit, just enough for me to see her face.

"I hate seeing you cry," I said, wiping away a tear from her face.

"Well, I never cry, this was like a once in a lifetime thing." She joked, making me chuckle a bit.

"Yeah yeah."

We both bid our goodbye to her mother, after that we had to head home, but I had a feeling she didn't want to go home. She looked upset still.

"You wanna go somewhere?" I asked. She nodded a bit, just enough for me to notice. We were walking side by side, her hand was free hanging, and I don't know where and how, but I decided to hold her hand.

I intertwined mine and hers together. I was surprised that she didn't push me away or yell, but she grasped my hand back, making me smile secretly.


After quite some time, we made it to this special place. It was a place where I found when I am here as a kid on vacation.

It was a pathway to a small little park, it had a bench, a beautiful flower bed, there was even a view of a small little lake. This place was only known to me, maybe other people too. But I never see them.

"Where is this place?" Yuejia asks. I guided her hand to the bench as we both sat down, enjoying the atmosphere.

"This is a place where I found a long time ago when I was little. Nobody knows about it besides me." I explained. Earning a laugh and smack on the chest from Yuejia.

"Yah! Why did you hit me!?" I yelled back, making her laugh hysterically.

"Because! You said no-nobody knows about it!! B-But I do now!!!" She teases. I rolled my eyes as I continue to hear her melodic laugh.

"Jeez. I didn't think it was that that funny." I groaned.

"Aiya... I'm sorry for laughing. I appreciate you for showing me your secret hideout-"

"IT'S NOT A HIDEOUT! IT'S-A SECRET SANCTUARY!!" I fired back at her.

Her eyes widen a bit before laughing again. Though she was getting a bit annoying, I was happy seeing her laugh and smile.

We both sat there and just listened to the wind whisper, the leaves swaying back and forth. It was calming, the two of us, just sitting there, enjoying one another; or at least I was enjoying her. Closing my eyes, I felt her rest against my shoulder.

"Hey... you mind if I smoke?" She asks. I nodded.

"Very much. I hope you would stop." I said, sighing a bit. Yuejia shrugged.

"I do hope sometimes. But still, it helps me cope with my fucked up family."

"You should stop smoking, your lungs could still be saved. If you wanna come with stress, go out for a walk, come here. Or..." I stopped.


"Or come talk to me." I finished. She smiled softly. From the corner of my eyes, I could see her nod.

"Fine. I'll try to stop smoking. But drinking. That's something I will handle on my own."

Letting out a sigh, I nodded to her explanation. "Fine. But let's start with one problem at a time."

After I said that, she nodded a bit, before staying still, resting against my shoulder. I peeked over a bit to see that she's fallen asleep.

I suddenly felt my face heat up; this is the second time she fell asleep like this.

I suddenly have this urge to lean in and kiss her.

Kiss her, do it.

My heart yelled. But I shook away that thought. Even though he lips were calling me.

But even if my brain was saying no, my heart was the one in control right now.

Before I knew it, I was only inches away from her lips. Her breathing my steady, I'm guessing she's really asleep.

Closer and closer as I leaned in.

When I got so close our noses were barely touching, I managed to stop myself.

No, this is wrong. She's sleeping.

Was about to move away, but before I could, Yuejia opened her eyes, grabbed my neck and pulled me in. With only centimetres away from her lips.

"If you wanted to kiss me. You should've just done it." She says against my lips before they were captured by hers.

I was in shock.

Shocked that she kissed me, shocked that she actually kissed me. 

The girl that I have a crush on, is kissing me... I'm dreaming, right? Am I on drugs again?

Those questions, more questions started to come, but my lips were moving in sync with hers.

Her hands wrapped around my neck, pulling me in closer.

 I closed my eyes and placed my hands on her waist, bringing her in close as well. 

This felt too surreal. 

I didn't want this to stop at all... but in the end, it did, with her pulling away first.

But not all the way, only enough for me to see her face.

She whispers quietly to me."This is our secret sanctuary now." 






Hello Jennings!!!



Also!!! If you haven't checked out my new book about Fan ChengCheng!! GO DO IT! Like c'mon.

Thank you for reading!!



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