31.| Revenge

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Your POV

It's Bufan... how can it be?!

The last time I saw him, I shot him in the head. 

"H-How is this possible?!" I stuttered out.

"Well. Let me give you an overview of my life in the past 2 years." He starts.

"Remember when you shot me? Yeah. You just grazed my skull. The bullet, on the other hand, was stuck, I'm guessing when you were occupied with lover boy, you missed the target. It took almost 2 days to get it out. Yes. Quite tragic. BUT! I was in a coma for a year. They called it a miracle that I lived through that. Once I was fine, I found my boys again, along with learning that you moved to Hong Kong and that lover boy became an idol. How fascinating! But, long story short. I want revenge on killing all my men. And now. I'm gonna kill you." 

"Please don't do this," I begged as he pulled out a gun and smirks at me.

The sound of the safety clicks.

"Zhen Yuejia. The first girl who never asks question, but shoots first. The girl whom everyone was afraid to go near. Tch. Now look at you. Begging for mercy."

I shook my head. "I can't believe you. Let go of the past!" I yelled.

But all Bufan did was chuckle in a sinister manner.

"Me?! Let go of the past?! Zhen Yuejia! You gotta be kidding me!! I will never let go of this!! NEVER! NOT UNTIL I GET MY REVENGE!" He screamed.

I never knew this would happen. I never knew the people I love most are being used so they could get to me... 

"Please! If there is anything I could do! I would do it!!" I sobbed, but still. Nothing worked.

"Bufan. Let Lulu and her go. Take your anger out on me." Linong suddenly said. I grabbed his hand in fear.

"No... Linong. You can't do that."

Linong placed his hand over mine and smiled softly.

"It's okay." 

"N-No! I won't allow it." I disagreed. "I won't let you get hurt from me again!"

"OH, BOO HO! Get over it! If you want to die, then you 2 can die together!" 

"NO!" I yelled, pushing Linong away, grabbing Lulu's wrist. "Take her out of here. I will handle it." 

"Jiejie... don't leave me." Lulu sobs. 

But I had to be strong for her. For Lulu, I smiled.

"Lulu-ah. I love you." I stopped for a bit. "I love you so, so much."

"Alright. Times up! Let's get this show on the road!!"


He raises both of his brows at me. 

"Get one of you men... to take Lulu and Linong outside." 

Bufan then motioned his hands, so someone could come.

"Wait. Yuejia! What are you doing?!" Linong began to yell and scream.

I got on my knees and watched them get pulled away.

"You know Yuejia. I find this very entertaining. Seeing you suffer, seeing the people you love suffer. This is just... peachy."

"Fuck you Bufan." I spat.

"Mhm. You wish." 

He held up the gun, pointing it directing at my head, like how I did it the first time we fought. 

I closed my eyes, waiting for the light's to go out.




I shot open my eyes to see Linong on his knees with me.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I whispered through tears.

Linong wrapped his arms around me as I burried my face in his chest.

 "Yuejia... I love you and I would do anything for you, even if it means death..." He whispers softly... comforting me.

"Well, if you both wanted to die, then I'm all in for it."

I hugged Linong close, as if my life depended on it... but it no longer did. Because we were both going die. 

Right here. 

Right now.


Only one gunshot was heard... and a body falling onto the ground.

I didn't feel anything. I checked Linong to see if he got shot... but he didn't.

"L-Linong!? What happened?!"

"It's over... I took care of it." I looked down at his hands to see him holding a gun.

My head slowly turned to where Bufan was standing, to see him no longer standing there, but on the ground, with one bullet hole, right at the center of his head.

"Y-You shot him?" I asked. Linong nodded back at me.

"It's over... I promise it's really over now."






Hello Jennings!!



There will only be 2 chapters left before its over!!!!


Thank you for reading!!



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