17.| Blood

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Your POV

I arrived there, along with the others. I kept the gun that Minghua gave to me behind my back pocket, while I held the one on my right hand; the one that I used that very day. The first time I held and used a gun.

There were about 50 of us, including me and Feitong. We arrived at the ally-way early. There were only 6 street lights, lighting it up. Barely anyone comes near here, and if there was, they were people like us, messed up people who don't have a place to go.

We all waited. Waited until Bufan and his people came. I kept on having this weird feeling that something was wrong. Like something wasn't right.

My eyes wandered around when I noticed something at the corner of my eyes. I looked back and squinted my eyes.

"A sniper," The words escaped my lips.

They were snipers from the roofs of the buildings.

"SNIPERS! EVERYONE TAKE COVER!" I yelled. Everyone ran around, hiding behind large trash bins, and any corner they could find. I clicked my tongue as I saw 8 of our people were already on the ground. Dead.

"Son of a bitch! I forgot about them!" Feitong cursed as he fired his gun directly at one of them. I then heard the sound of footsteps, many of them.

"STOP!" The firing from us and the snipers stopped. I slowly stepped out from the shadows and locked eyes with Bufan. He let out a sinister laugh.

"8 gone already I see, how tragic," I rolled my eyes, ready to fire a bullet at him, but he raised his hand in the air.

"Where is Feitong?" Bufan asked. I looked behind myself seeing Feitong walk directly to me.

"Good to see that you made it on time Bufan,"

"Well, what can I say? I'm a man of my words," He laughed. I gritted my teeth together, trying to hold in every ounce of hate and anger I have for him.

"Ah, Yuejia! My favourite, Yuejia. Good to see you here,"

"Fuck you," I spat. He shrugged a bit before walking 5 steps closer. "Zhen Yuejia, you have no idea how much I want to kill you right now,"

This time, I shrugged a bit, walking 5 steps closer. "Fine. Kill me-" Bufan held up his gun ready to shoot me, but I raised my hand to stop him.

"-But! If I kill you, this all ends. All of it!" I warned.

"Deal," With the one word, Bufan immediately began to fire gunshots. Along with everyone else, I was lucky that I dodged it in time, hiding behind a trash can. I helped my fellow teammates with the ones they were fighting against. I only shot them in the leg or shoulder, but never in the head because I didn't have the guts to kill someone that I didn't know. There is only one person I am after, and that person is Bufan.

The cries of people getting injured or dying could be heard from all angles, and corners.

Finally, Bufan was fighting something who I knew, he was about to die when I ran right up to Bufan and pushed him right against the wall. I grabbed that guy's collar and used all my strength to throw him onto the side.

"Huh, Yuejia. Look who finally showed her face," He sang before pushing me against the wall. He slammed my hand against the wall multiples times, making me drop the gun that was in my hand. He then kicked it far away, from where I could reach.

"Argh..." I groaned.

"Haha! Whooo! Man, it feels good to see you in pain!!" Bufan smirked. I pushed kicked him in his stomach, as I dropped to the ground.

"Shit..." I tried to gain my balance when I heard the gun click. I looked up to see Bufan pointing the gun right at me.

"I wonder who is going to win this fight- oh wait. Me," I sighed, closing my eyes as I knew that this might and possibly be my last breath.

I waited. Ready for the gun to kill me.

"Any last words?"

I stayed silent.


Finally, I heard that gun. That loud run fire. But I wasn't hurt. Someone covered me. I opened my eyes... only to see the last person I would least expect to be here right now, covering me with his body. Linong fell into my arms, as I saw blood bleed out from his stomach. My mind was spinning. I couldn't think straight nor breath. All I saw was Linong's face in shock, as his eyes slowly closed.

"LINONG!!!" I screamed. His body was and face was facing me, so the bullet hit him from behind. But I didn't know where.

"DAMNIT!! LOVERBOY JUST HAD TO COME AT THIS MOMENT HUH?! Well, I'm not going to miss this time,"

At that moment, I had nothing to defend myself. Or so I thought, but then I remembered my brothers gun he gave me.

As quickly as I can, I reached into my back pocket, gripped that gun, pulled it out and shot Bufan right in the head. I shook in fear, dropping the gun. I quickly faced my attention back to Linong who now has closed his eyes, and has a weak pulse. The gunshots were still being fired, but I wrapped Linong's arm around my shoulder as I used all my strength to the telephone pole. I grabbed my phone and called 119.

In the meantime. I tried my best to keep Linong's pulse steady by doing CPR.

"Damn it Chen Linong! I will not let another person I care about die on me!! YOU HEAR ME!!" I sobbed. Thank god the ambulance came just in time, they put Linong a the stretcher and pulled me along as well.

"Miss, your shoulder, and hip are bleeding," One of the men said. I looked over to my right shoulder and gasped.

He was right. I was bleeding. Gushing in blood actually.

"Don't worry about- about me... Treat him f-first..."

Before I knew it. Everything blacked out.

But I couldn't hear anything, but I saw a bright light.

They say never run to the light, because that when you're about to die, the light is heaven. So I looked away, but before I did. I saw someone. I saw...?


He was standing at the bright light, smiling with happiness, so much that I could see his smile lines so clearly.

Though I couldn't hear anything. He motioned me to come to him. I didn't think twice but to run to him, but he kept getting further and further away from me.

But still, he was smiling and motioning me to come closer. I tried my best to run and get to him, it felt like I was running in slow-motion. It was killing me that I couldn't get to him.

Then... the light flickered off. Now. I was alone in the dark. I was afraid, I wanted to see Linong again... but I couldn't...

Because I was alone in the dark.






Hello Jennings!!!

The long awaited chapter has finally been written!!!

Thank you for reading!!!

What do you think will happen?!?!



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