Into the Water

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I was in a small room with a door in front of me. I didn't bother looking around the room, I just opened the door and walked out. I saw Tom with Kiara and Carlos, on the edge of the boat. There was a metal railing with baskets hanging from them. The boat was white, with a blue stripe along the bottom of the room behind me and the wall that the railing stood on, and a red stripe on it's outside, right under the railing. I walked towards Kiara and Carlos and Tom noticed me coming.
"Jem, your late!" He said, "I was just telli-"
"The guardians." I interrupted.
"Hm?" Said Tom, tilting his head.
Everyone turned to me with confused faces.
"The guardians, they were captured."
"Of the gems? All four of them?" Tom asked.
"No, only three."
"Welp," said Tom, "looks like we have to allow that last guardian and his friends to take care of that. We have some stuff to do."
He passed me a circular plate made of metal and what looked like a harmonica.
"What's this?" I asked.
"Scuba gear. Put the small mouth thing in your mouth and push the big circular thing on to your chest. The mouth thing first!"
I put the metal thing in my mouth and bit down. Immediately it strapped itself in. The sides slid out and small circular plates covered and sucked on to my cheeks.
Tom passed one to Carlos, and let him put it on too. I put the metal plate onto my chest and waited for something to happen. I looked to Tom.
"You have to push it in." He said.
I pushed it into my chest and plates slide out from it, and covered my body in a stretchable, strong suit. It covered everywhere and left only a space for my eyes. I heard it clip into the mouthpiece and Tom took out a glass slate from his pocket. He placed it and clipped it into the opening of where my eyes were, so that every part of me was covered.
"Completely waterproof!" He said.
He did the same to Carlos, then looked at us, admiring his work.
"Where's my gear?" Asked Kiara, excited watching us get suited up.
"Where's your what?" Said Tom, not taking his eyes off the suits he invented. Kiara's smile faded away, which immediately made my smile faded away as well.
"You mean, I'm not going?" She asked.
"Of course not. Who's going to help me above the surface?"
"They would've died if I hadn't gone inside of people's nightmares with them, Who's going to help them down there."
"Me and you, from up here of course. How fun! Father and daughter time, am I right?"
"We've had enough of that before these two came. Years of it. I want to continue a life of adventure, not start a life of being held back and boredom."
"Yeah, let her come." I joined.
Tom grunted.
"Fine... Here are some communication watches... Kiara, you can hold the waterproof backpack full of might-be-needed supplies."
"YES!" Exclaimed Kiara happily.
I smiled at her happiness while Tom handed her the underwater gear. She put it on and me and Carlos walked to the edge of the ship. I was watching the water and I swear I saw a white blur inside it. I'm not entirely sure on what it was, but it definitely seemed like something. Tom was telling Kiara about the stuff he put in her backpack, and what not to trust us with, which was basically almost everything he gave her. She put on her waterproof backpack and suit and joined us with a smile. I laughed.
"What?" She asked.
"You're so happy." I answered, still laughing.
"Yeah, I wanted to come." She said happily.
"Glad your able to come."
"Me too!" She exclaimed excitedly.
If her smile was any bigger, I don't think it'd be able to fit on her face.
"You guys can go anytime now." Said Tom from inside a room in the boat.
We looked at each other, awkwardly and confused.
"Do we just... Jump?" Asked Carlos nervously.
I took a running start and jumped over the railing and off into the water.
"Yup, just, jump right in." Answered Tom.
Carlos watched as Kiara plunged in after me.
"So... I just, jump right in then?"
"For Pete's sake." Said Tom, annoyed.
He walked over to Carlos, and before he could say anything, pushed him into the water.
The water was pretty clear, but I couldn't see farther than a couple yards. We swam further downwards, still seeing nothing out of the ordinary. After swimming a while, I saw a white blur pass by. I didn't know what it was so I just stayed quiet about it. We kept swimming down the cloudy water till we reached a rocky surface at the bottom. It was acting as a wall and in it was a rusty, giant metal hatch. Next to it, stuck in the rocks, was a rusty lever.
"Hm." Said Kiara.
She swam to the lever to examine it.
"This most likely opens the door there." She said.
"So what are you waiting fo-" Carlos was saying until a white creature hurtled towards him.
He spun out of the way just in time and we both looked behind us. There were about three of them. They we're white circles, linked together to make a caterpillar-like form. They had two, black, big antennas coming out of their head with two, plain black eyeballs that seemed to stare directly I our souls. Their mouths consisted of dots linked together in the shape of a smile and seemed not to be able to change.
"Don't look, just hurry on the opening the thingy!" I yelled to Kiara before she could look back.
I wasn't sure if it'd work, but I formed the darkened sword in my hand. I faced the white creatures coming toward us slowly. I heard them screetching, high pitched and low in volume, like underwater screechers.

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