Lord vs. King

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I jumped at the redemon king, delivering a strike to his head.  My sword bounced off the staff the king held up to block.  I swung my sword to his left, aiming for his ribs and he blocked the strike with his staff.  He went for a sidekick with his right leg and I stepped off to my right to dodge it.  I pushed him away and off balance and he stumbled away.
"You're just a kid.  I'm basically an elder.  You can't beat me." Said the king.
I found it best to just ignore.  After straightening back up, he ran at me with his staff pointed directly at me.  Just before getting impaled, I stepped to my right and threw a punch to his temple.  He flew back and fell against his throne.
"You pest!" He said with pure anger as he got back up.
Instead of running, he walked up to me.  I did a quick hop toward him and swung downward at his head.  He raised his staff blocking it, and the next to his left and the other to his right.  He lifted his staff and i jumped back as he swung down.  The wind from the staff swinging down pushed me back and when it came in contact with the ground, the ground shook and cracked.  I stumbled back and tripped.  I looked up and rolled when I saw the diamond on the king's staff light up.  The blast of blue the came from the staff had just missed me.  I got up, glad I was alive.  I couldn't let him do that again.  As he brought his staff back up again, I threw my sword at it.  The staff flew from his hand and fell on the ground behind him.  He jumped abnormally high to avoid my sword from cutting him in half as it returned back to my hand.
"No one likes a person who spams the same move over again.  It's unfair, and gets annoying." I said as I ran toward him.
The king jumped back and did a backroll, dodging my sword attack.  He got a hold of his staff and held it up to block my strike to his head.  He pushed me back and got himself up.  I blocked his strike with his staff to my left with my sword.  I then lifted my leg to check his kick he was going to throw and spun to the right of him and swung my sword at him.  He ducked under it and sidekicked my stomach, making me fall back with my head off the side of the platform.  He stepped on my chest and pointed the sharp diamond tip of his staff downward at my face.
"I knew a simple child like you couldn't possibly beat me.  You see, my mind is wa-"  He started saying.
I brought my legs up and kicked him in the butt, making him fall over me and off his stage.  He shrieked as he fell the about four feet off the stage onto his face.  I couldn't help laughing at the king's faceplant.
"Agh, you pain in th-"
"The face?" I interrupted, "Not my position to say this since your the king and all, but I'm pretty sure it was the floor that caused that pain."
As I was talking I had gotten up and sat on the king's throne.  The king growled and jumped back onto the stage.  He stopped a while before reaching me, and noticed the white of his eyes turned to black.  Two short horns grew from his head and the black that grew in his eyes, leaked out like liquid.  He lifted his staff and pointed it at me, and I jumped off the throne, rolling to the right of it.  The end of the staff shot out a blast of blue, and the redemon king brought the staff to his right.  He swung it from right to left, blasting a stream of blue lighting.  I ran towards the blue and jumped, doing a cartwheel flip over it.  The stage fell apart, curtains falling and the only thing left was a cape.  The king walked over and took his cape and put it on.  He raised his staff toward me and blasted.  I jumped to the left as instinct, but the blast hit the floor in front of me.  The edge of the stage I was on collapsed, and the king slowly approached me.  Hurt from the fall, I couldn't move.  I did nothing but just watch the king walk to me menacingly.  He got pretty close until a bolt of shadow blindsided him, pushing him off the stage.  I crawled over and saw Mare wrestling the king for the staff.
"GIVE IT TO ME!" Yelled Mare.
"Another one!  I'll crush you as well!" Yelled the king, fighting back.
The king pushed the Mare off and the diamond lit up.  A streak of blue came out the end and cut through everything it came in contact with.  Mare flew up and weaved through the streaks of blue and shot back attacks of his own.  Each attack Mare missed or the king dodged, which is understandable since Mare is flying around at pretty fast speeds.  The ground below me started shaking and I looked up, noticing the cave falling apart.  The icicles of rock started falling from the ceiling of the cave.  I had to get out.  I managed to get myself up, and wiped the debris off myself.  I healed pretty quickly, and was able to easily run out of the cave toward the higher parts of the crack.  Luckily, both Lord Mare or the redemon king seemed to notice me escaping.  Nor did they seem to notice the cave falling apart around them.  They were each too focused on fighting each other.  While heading out I saw two redemon lazing about, leaning against the wall of the crack, socializing.  I caught them by complete surprise as they got up and ready.  Easily taking care of both redemon, I continued my escape.

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