WEEK ONE: Monday (Yuzuru)

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"Psst, Shino." Koike jabbed me in the shoulder.

I yelped as the paintbrush in my hand slipped, sending hot pink tempura paint skittering across the poster board on my desk. "Gah!! What?!"

I followed her pointed finger to the classroom door. Seryou Touji was leaning in the doorway, his dark hair falling in his eyes. He smiled, and my pulse stuttered.


Koike dodged my flailing paintbrush as I leapt up. I ignored her scowl and went to meet Seryou at the door.

"Hey," he said, eyeing my paint-spattered smock with a grin. "I was going to see if you wanted to eat lunch together, but it looks like you're busy."

"Seryou-kun!" a chorus of shrill voices cried out. I was nearly shoved into him by the cluster of girls that rushed around us at the door.

"Have you been asked out yet today?"

"I've been waiting months for my chance!"

"You're so handsome, please date me this week!"

Seryou held up his hands. "I'm sorry, I'm already seeing someone." He glanced at me amid their mews of disappointment, and I wasn't sure whether to feel relieved or annoyed.

"Next Monday, then? I'll be sure to find you first!"

"Actually, I..." He met my eyes again. "I don't think I'll be doing Mondays like that anymore."

I sucked in a breath.

"What does that mean?"

"No more Definite-Yes-Mondays? Seryou-kun!"

"I really like the person I'm seeing," he said simply, and I felt my cheeks get warm.

The girls shrieked. Some were delighted, others accused him of being cruel, but their noise faded into the background for me. His deep black eyes held mine, eclipsing everything else. I was paralyzed. It still felt too good to be true. Every girl in school was clamoring for his attention, yet he'd chosen me? I was clumsy, obnoxious, thick-headed, stubborn... not to mention, also a guy.

None of which seemed to stop him from gazing at me like I was the only person in the room.

My babbling female classmates peppered him with questions.

"Who is it?"

"Now you have to tell us!"

When he turned his attention back to them, the spell of his eyes was broken so that I was able to elbow them away. "It's me," I declared, just like last week when girls in the subway station had demanded the same information.

I received smacks on the shoulder and dirty looks.

"Shino-kun, butt out!"

"That's not funny! Leave Seryou-kun alone."

"Yeah, you're such a bully."

"I'm not the one harassing him right now." I grabbed Seryou's sleeve and dragged him over to my desk, which was draped in a glistening mess of poster board, glitter, and pink and purple paint. I didn't have a desk mate—no one could put up with me that well—so there was plenty of room to spread stuff out.

He eyed the chaos with curiosity. "What's this?"

"Homeroom decorations for the school festival next week."

"Ah. And the theme is what, Hello Kitty?"

"A beauty salon," I sighed, sticking the paintbrush back in a cup of water. My homeroom was, like, ninety percent girls. The three guys in our class were always overruled when it came to stuff like this.

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