WEEK SIX: Tuesday, Part 2 (Touji)

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I frowned a little when Yuzuru's text came through, and typed back, What's wrong? You okay?

"Trouble in paradise?" Shino quipped over my shoulder, and I quickly put the phone in my pocket.

"None of your business."

She laughed lightly and planted her ass on the conference table next to me, clipboard in hand. Today she was wearing a hot pink miniskirt over white leggings, with a fluffy white sweater and heeled ankle boots. The leggings had hot pink lacing up the sides, all the way to mid-thigh, providing glimpses of bare skin between the ribbons. Shino had a talent for choosing clothes that seemed risqué even when they didn't actually reveal all that much. The outfit would have actually been less suggestive without the leggings than with them.

"Is it so wrong that I want to make sure my favorite newly-gay ex-boyfriend is happy? Even if Natsuki and I have broken up, I still think of you as a little brother."

Ugh. I wanted to say something harsh in reply, but it was because of me that Natsuki had dumped her so I couldn't be that mean. I was willing to bet she was clinging to me in part because she missed him. For all her teasing and snark, there was darkness in her eyes that said she was hurting a lot more than she let on. When I'd been a mess after Yuzuru broke up with me, Shino was the one who'd been there. What kind of jerk would I be, to repay that with the cold shoulder now that she was in the same kind of pain?

And anyway, at least she hadn't gone back to trying to proposition me.


"Yuzuru and I are fine," I emphasized. "Can we just get back to work?"

"Mm." She tilted her head, tapped the tip of her pen on the clipboard. "Touji, you forget I know when you're lying. What's going on? Yesterday morning you were relaxed, happy. By afternoon you were strung up tighter than a bowstring."

That comment immediately brought the characters in Yuzuru's name to mind.

"You need me to talk to him?"

"God, no." That was the last thing I needed.

"If you don't get some action soon you're gonna flip your shit, you know. Especially with your hands out of commission." Her sharp eyes went to my bandages, and I had the urge to hide them behind my back. "I see how bad you want him. How long can you keep up this patient-lover act?"

"It's not an act," I gritted.

"Well, if it gets to be too much, say the word. I'd be happy to take some of the pressure off."

And just like that, she's at it again. "Seriously, Shino!"

She winked and slid off the table. "That boy would do anything for you. Why don't you just ask him for what you need?"

Because he was so damn hard to read.

I need you. Seryou, please. What had that meant? Obviously not what I'd been hoping for, because less than twenty four hours later we had a bed full of condoms, lube, and sex toys, and when he realized they were meant for us he went all jittery and defensive.

So I'd given him the chance to run. I closed the closet door while I was changing, lingered a while so he could make an escape if he needed to. Yet when I'd come out, he was still there.

He stayed because I needed help getting dressed, though. Not because he wants me like that.

Okay, then why had his eyes had gone straight to my crotch? He'd zipped, buckled, and buttoned my clothes with this possessive look on his face that sent white-hot bolts of longing through my veins. I could have asked him then. Hell, I could have just kissed him. Backed him up to the bed and shoved him onto it. Climbed on top of him, raked my mouth over his hot, soft skin, and waited to see whether he would protest or surrender. Shino used to do it to me all the time.

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