WEEK FOUR: Thursday (Touji)

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"Um, Seryou-kun, have you seen this?"

"I've seen it," I replied numbly. How could I not have? Every person in my class, every person in the halls had been flourishing their phones at me for the past two hours. "And I don't have anything to say, so please leave me alone." I just wanted to get to archery practice and away from all this suffocating attention. There was no way I'd be able to shoot today, but at least the number of people able to harass me would be limited to just the other club members.

"No, not that one. These pictures of Shino-senpai. Is he okay?"

Kobayashi held her phone out. I took one look and snatched it from her with a gasp, scrolling through the photos in the thread. One showed Yuzuru slumped at his desk, his lips an unhealthy shade of blue. In another, he was being mobbed in the hallway with his eyes squeezed shut, while his friends Utsumi Shunji and Koike Arisa were trying to push people off of him. There was one where it looked like his friends were half-dragging him to the train station, and one of him and Koike on the train where his shoulders were up by his ears and his expression was completely miserable.

"Oh my god," I breathed. Had they already expelled him? Is that why he hadn't returned any of my texts or calls?

"Yeah, isn't it awful?" Sato materialized over my shoulder, looking at the pictures. "My big sister said Shino-senpai got into some kind of fight in the locker room at lunch."

"A fight?" I echoed, spinning around.

"With one of the guys in their class."

Tanaka. My stomach was already queasy, and now it did a sickening lilt.

"I guess his uniform got dunked in the showers, so he was sitting in class in wet clothes."

Wet? I looked at the pictures again. He was walking outside and riding the train without a coat on. It wasn't even ten degrees out. And his uniform was wet? "Oh my god, he's going to get sick."

Sato was peering at me curiously—and taking pictures of my reaction at the same time. "How come you don't already know this stuff? He hasn't told you?"

I didn't want to admit that I hadn't heard from him. Especially when she had a camera in my face. "Stop it," I barked frantically, holding up a hand to block the photos. "Didn't you hear what you just said? This is what I warned you guys about. People are hurting Yuzuru-san because of all this." Because of me. I felt like I might throw up. "I won't forgive you. Your stupid website has ruined his life!"

Sato and Nakamura gathered around me, and suddenly Kobayashi was there too, all of them patting my back and clucking their tongues. "This time it wasn't us, Seryou-kun. The Instagram account login is being shared with a group of people from a message board we're on. We told them not to post that picture, but they didn't listen."

"We banned the ones who did it and deleted the picture, but people are reblogging it everywhere."

"We made a post asking everyone to respect you guys' privacy, though!"

I stared at Nakamura in disbelief. "Are you kidding me?" The three of them had circled Yuzuru and me like sharks for weeks, reopened the website I'd begged them to shut down, gave the login away so even more people could terrorize us, were snapping photos of me right this very second, yet had the nerve to ask other people to give us privacy?

Her cheeks reddened. "But we love you guys. We just want to share your cuteness with the world!"

Kobayashi pounced on my arm. "Please don't be mad. We're your biggest supporters!"

"Get off," I said, shaking my arm free. "Are you ready to take responsibility for what happens from now on? God, my brother was right. I should have let him sue you all."

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