WEEK THREE: Monday (Yuzuru)

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I woke up when my phone buzzed. It wasn't my alarm, I had snoozed that a good half hour ago. This was a sound far more welcome, because I knew it was Seryou messaging me good morning. I smiled at the familiar envelope floating on the screen. Since he'd had his phone taken away he was back to sending emails.

Good morning~❤️ Are you up?

         I'm up, I replied. See you at the station.

I stretched and set the phone down on top of the manga on my nightstand. Then I felt my smile starting to slip, and pushed the phone aside to pick up the manga. Two doe-eyed boys were embracing on the cover, one looking sly while the other protested and blushed. I still felt sleazy for smuggling this out of Yuriko's room last night, but insecurity was starting to get the best of me.

I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened with Seryou yesterday. How good it had felt. How quickly it had escalated. How everything we were doing made me want more so bad, when I wasn't exactly sure what more even involved.

Well, okay, so I had kind of an idea, because Yuriko gushed about these gay manga with her friends in terms that were nothing short of horrifying, especially coming from the mouth of a thirteen year old girl. Once, I'd caught her curled up on the couch with one of these, and the cover was so obscene that I'd confiscated it and shucked it in the trash. I remember feeling a little dirty that my hand had even touched a drawing like that, so I hadn't cared how furious she was.

If someone had told me a month ago that I'd be sneaking around to read these creepy things in order to sort out the stuff that was happening with my own boyfriend, I'd have punched their lights out. But here I was, because I didn't have much choice. Searching the internet had turned up nothing but porn, which was definitely not something I was prepared to get into. I didn't have friends who knew about this kind of stuff, and there was no way I was going to ask Yuriko or any of her depraved little buddies.

I'd read this one cover to cover last night after I finished my homework, but it hadn't made me feel better. The story was kind of cute, I guess, but one of the characters—the protesty, blushy one—was basically as close to a girl as a guy could get. In fact, he met the other guy while dressed as a girl, and they didn't have a relationship so much as a half-crazed stalkery thing going on. None of that lined up with Seryou and me.

I flipped to one of the sex scenes, hoping maybe it'd seem less uncomfortable now that I wasn't half asleep and exhausted... Nope, it was still awful. All blushing and sweating and screaming. Which made sense, I guess, because something like that had to hurt a fuck ton. My ass was clenching just thinking about it. Did gay people really do that kind of thing? How did they stand it?

Shuddering, I tossed the manga on the nightstand, threw my comforter off, and went to get dressed for school. Kissing Seryou felt really good. Rubbing against him yesterday had felt incredible. Beyond incredible, actually. But stuff like that would lead to other stuff. Stuff that involved sweating and screaming and didn't seem like it would feel nice at all.

Maybe it was just this particular manga, I decided. I peeked into the hall and caught sight of Yuriko in the kitchen, packing her bento box. It was the best chance I'd get, so I darted across the hall into her room. Stuffing this manga back onto the shelf it had come from, I snatched a handful of others at random and stuck them in my bag. I could still hear her clattering around in the kitchen, so I took a breath and leapt back into the hall. Thankfully her back was turned. I straightened my tie and composed my face, then went striding down the hall as if I hadn't just raided her room for gay smut.

"I'm leaving," I called down the hall, keeping a protective hand on my bag as if she might spontaneously develop x-ray vision and realize I was stealing her things.

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