WEEK FOUR: Friday→Saturday (Touji)

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"Yuzuru-san!" Forgetting all about the fact that I was supposed to meet my family, I chased after him as he disappeared down the stairs, my heart in my throat. "Yuzuru-san!!" God, what had happened to him? His face was a mass of bruises and cuts, his eye was swollen, and he'd been crying. I was going to explode with the horror of it. What's happening? Who did that to him?

I started down the stairs, but a hand landed on my shoulder, gripping my uniform jacket. "Touji, stop."

I turned to see Natsuki behind me, my parents right next to him. I wriggled out of his grasp. "Hold on, you guys, I've got to go check on—"

"Leave him," Dad ordered, so sternly that I turned to gape.


"We're going home, baby. Everything's settled now, come on." Mom took my arm and started leading me down the stairs. On the landing there were a couple girls waiting for us with their cameras, but one glare from my brother and they quickly hid them behind their backs.

"Mom, what do you mean everything's settled? What happened to Yuzuru-san? He's been hurt, we can't just leave, I have to talk to him." I tried to pull away, but Dad appeared on my other side and gripped my upper arm. It wasn't hard or painful, but if I struggled it would be.


They ushered me out the side door of the building, and to my astonishment the Lincoln was sitting in the school's service driveway. Yamamoto, my grandfather's driver, was holding the car door open with white-gloved hands.

"Get in the car, Touji."

"But Dad!"

"Just do it," said my brother, and I found myself being pressed into the Lincoln, all the way to the very back seat. My mother and father took up spots on the bench to my left, and Natsuki claimed the one on the right. The car door closed, and my chest was heaving.

"What are you guys doing right now? Why are we in the car when our house is six blocks away? The school day's not even over yet."

"Things have changed, Touji," my mom said, crossing her pantyhosed legs and reaching for a bottle of water from the mini-fridge next to me. "You won't be attending Houka anymore."

Did I get expelled? That meant it must have happened to Yuzuru too. I felt the floorboards rumble as the car started up. If they'd brought the Lincoln, it was because they were making a statement to the school board. Reminding them who our family was. It meant this was definitely serious.

"What about Yuzuru-san?" I asked in a panic. "You said you'd take care of him!"

"Calm down. He's being transferred to another local school, just like you."

"Transferred?" I repeated in gratitude. "Oh, thank god." Then I remembered the state of his face. "But what happened to him? Why did he look like that?" Koike had said at lunch that he wasn't feeling well, but she hadn't mentioned anything about him being hurt.

"I assume he was fighting," my mother said with a sniff of disdain. "All the more reason why this arrangement is best for everyone. You don't need to be associating with troublemakers."

I sat back in the leather seat, her inflection chilling me to the bone. "What do you mean?" She didn't answer, but it didn't take a genius to figure out. They're sending us to different schools, aren't they? It made sense. No other high school was going to want to take on the public relations nightmare of a couple boys famous for their scandalous internet blog. Even if the blog wasn't ours to begin with. The idea of not being able to see him every day was awful, though.

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