WEEK ONE: Monday (Touji)

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I didn't know what time Yuzuru's cram school got out. I hadn't even thought to ask him which one he attended, an oversight I intended to remedy tomorrow. But archery club practice had gone extraordinarily well—I'd shot three perfect rounds, definitely making up for yesterday's debacle—and I couldn't wait to tell him. Because I lived so close to school, I got home just after six. I did my best to occupy myself with homework, but kept checking the clock on my phone. Nine thirty, I told myself. I needed to wait until at least nine thirty. He might not even be out of class by then, but it was late enough that there was the chance, and early enough that he'd probably still be up.

I finished my math homework, then civics and English. I turned on my Xbox and played a little. I re-played the Magic of Love single that my homeroom was lipsynching for the festival next week. It was a syrupy, girly pop number, but the lyrics were really getting to me.

Your heart is like a butterfly
Lightly soaring through the air
As free as the breeze
It can't feel anything it touches

Our relationship was new by anybody's standards, and I was already so head over heels for Yuzuru it was scary. The things I liked most about him, his unpredictability and genuineness, were also what kept me most on edge. At any moment he could change his mind about me... about us... and it was nerve wracking.

Yuzuru leapt headfirst into things without worrying about the consequences. Like today, when he'd told his classmates that he was the one I was dating. On the one hand, my heart had just about burst with happiness. But I was also relieved they hadn't taken him seriously. Did he have any idea what could happen if people found out?

Since most of Houka Academy's students came from wealthy and powerful families, including quite a few foreigners, the regulations tended to be more lax compared to most other schools. No one had ever said a word to me about my hair, for example, even though it was several inches longer than the limit. And because there were still so few boys enrolled, the faculty turned a blind eye to most dating shenanigans so long as students remained adequately focused on their exam scores. But earlier this semester a girl from class two was expelled for getting pregnant. What would they do if it became common knowledge that two male students were involved with each other? My family connections would probably protect me, but Yuzuru was a scholarship student.

I wasn't sure if I should talk with him about this yet. We had only been dating for a week. Actually, we'd only been dating for a day, because last week had been one giant comedy of errors. We're talking, like, Shakespearean-sized misunderstandings. It wasn't until yesterday afternoon, when we'd both thought we were breaking up, that we had each learned the other wanted to stay together. What a mess... a beautiful, agonizing, incredibly lucky mess.

I flipped open my phone for the hundredth time. Four more minutes. Ugh. I set it down, drummed my fingers on my desk, then picked it up again. Four minutes wouldn't make that big of a difference, right? Besides, it could look weird if I called at nine thirty on the nose. I scrolled through my contacts and pressed the dial button.


Whoa, it was a girl's voice. I glanced at my screen to make sure I'd called the right number. "Um... I was calling for Shino Yuzuru-san?"

"Yuzu-nii! Some guy is on your phone!"

I had to cringe as her shrill voice made the plastic earpiece vibrate.

"Hang on," she said to me, much more sedately. "He's in the bathroom. I'll bring you to him."

"Wait, I can call back—"


Oh my god oh my god. I should have waited those few extra minutes. "Y—Yuzuru-san?"

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