WEEK SEVEN: Saturday, Part 2 (Yuzuru)

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Grandfather offered to have his driver drop me off at home, but I told him I'd take the train. Mostly it was because as soon as we got outside, I realized I had a dozen unread texts from Koike. As soon as Grandfather's limo pulled away from the curb, I called her.

"Shino! Is that you? This had better be you."

"It's me," I said.

"Oh my god!" she shrieked, so loud I had to pull the phone away from my ear. "What the hell, Shino, where have you been? I told you to text me in an hour, it's been three! You wanna die?!"

"Sorry," I replied sincerely. "It's just that Grandfather and I were having a really good conversation and I kind of forgot."

"But it was just conversation, right? He didn't have you chained up in a dungeon somewhere pulling your toenails out with tweezers?"

"Ack! Geez!! No, nothing like that. Though you were right about the tall building. He took me to the restaurant at the top of the Landmark Tower. Thanks to you I was super nervous the whole time."

"Yeah, well, thanks to you I've been super nervous. I called everyone we know, looking for you. Your mom, your sister, Seryou, Utsumi... nobody'd heard from you."

"Oh shit, you called my mom? What did you tell her? She just got out of the hospital, Koike-chan, you better not have—"

"Relax, I'm not that stupid. I said I had a book from cram school to give back to you."


"I told Seryou the truth, though. That you'd gone off with his grandfather after cram school. He acted like it was no big deal."

I felt my face heating up. "Koike-chan, you didn't tell him why?"

"Of course I did," she snapped defensively. "How else was he gonna know how much danger you were in?"

"Aw, man." Now I was going to have to explain to Seryou why I'd asked his grandfather for sex advice. That was going to be awkward.

"I called the police too, but they wouldn't do anything. Said you weren't a missing person until you'd been gone for more than a day. And since you went with Takeuchi Yuki-san willingly they said it wasn't kidnapping. Idiots."

I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Well, I'm fine. Grandfather was really nice to me. Bought me a fancy lunch and everything."

"Did you get the answers you were looking for?"

"Yup. I'm a gay sex expert now."

"Ew. Well, good for you, I guess. Look, I gotta go, Utsumi's finally calling me back. I've only left him like fifty voice mails."

"Okay, talk to you later." She hung up, and I put the phone back in my pocket as I entered the train station. I guess I should be grateful to have her looking out for me. Though I was kind of worried about what Seryou might be thinking. Would he be upset that I'd gone to Grandfather? Or embarrassed?

The whole train ride home, I debated whether I should call him. Or text. Though I wasn't sure exactly what to say. He hadn't contacted me, which had to mean either he was still busy with his family at work, or he was feeling as uncomfortable about it as I was. Maybe it was better to see him in person tonight—Grandfather had said I could go with Mom to his house. I probably ought to spend the time studying, but there was no way I was going to pass up the chance to see Seryou. His parents were leaving tomorrow, and I didn't know what that was going to do to him. What if he needed me there?

On the walk from the East Kanazawa station to my house, I stopped by a department store and bought a nicely packaged cake and flowers for Seryou's parents. While it was doubtful anything could improve their opinions of me, I was determined not to do any more damage if I could help it.

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