WEEK TWO: Tuesday (Yuzuru)

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I stayed for the second years' demonstration, hyper aware that Seryou was probably up on stage right this very moment, wearing that skimpy punk-rock-angel outfit that made my stomach feel funny. His classmates would be hanging all over him while he twirled them and dipped them and the audience screamed his name. I really hadn't known what to do yesterday, when he was so gorgeous that my heart was doing backflips every time he looked at me, and yet I was just one of hundreds of people having the same reaction to his overwhelming beauty.

I know exactly how to touch Touji so that he'll be just begging you for more.

Fuck, that Shino was a real piece of work. Why would Seryou have ever hooked up with someone like her? She was evil incarnate. But that didn't change the fact that she had something with him that I didn't. She knew him in all these really intimate ways that made me both angry and fearful. Angry, because I hated that she'd had all these sexual experiences with him that clearly meant so little to her. Fearful, because I didn't know if I was capable of giving him what she had. Or if he'd even want something like that from me.

And what if he did? What if he did, and I couldn't do it?

Bizarrely enough, I found myself kind of wishing I could talk to Yuriko. Asking your thirteen year old sister for sex advice was a terrible idea, but Yuriko knew about gay stuff. She had a ton of gay manga in her room and was kind of obsessed with pop star fan service. I'd always thought it was super weird, but now it made her the most knowledgeable person I knew when it came to this kind of thing... No, no, I couldn't say anything to her. Having those first years following Seryou and me around was bad enough, I didn't need my little sister perving on us too. Plus she kind of had a crush on Seryou and would probably hate me forever if she found out I was dating him.

When the second years were done with their demo I returned to the same spot as this morning to give more lessons. The line of visitors wanting to try out the bow curled all the way through the dojo. Masamune came over, since he was going to be my runner this time around. First up was a foreigner, a guy with ruddy skin, blond hair and pale blue eyes.

"Good afternoon," he said to me in heavily accented Japanese, bowing. "Nice to meet you."

I got the sense those were the only Japanese words he knew. "Where are you from?" I asked in English, and his face immediately brightened.

"Canada," he answered. "My name's David."

"Hi David, I'm Yuzuru. It's nice to meet you. What brings you to Japan?"

"I'm here on vacation with my wife." He gestured to the woman next to us, whom Tajiri was fitting with a breastplate. "She graduated from Houka Academy five years ago and really wanted to come to the festival while we were in town."

I nodded and took his hand, gauging what size glove he would need. I picked the largest of the three we had and handed it to him. "Here, put this on. The strap goes around your wrist. Make sure it's tight."

He followed my instructions, grinning. "Wow, your English is great! You must study very hard."

I laughed. "Not really. I just like watching a lot of movies." He had the glove on, so I gestured at the edge of the mat. "Please come stand here. This is the bow. You will hold it in your left hand, like that, and then draw with your right. Want to practice?"

I showed him how to draw, then started helping him with the arrows. He was a really nice guy, and let me ask him a bunch of questions in between shots that had nothing to do with archery. We had native English speaking teachers at my cram school, but meeting someone like this who wasn't a teacher was better. He didn't try to oversimplify his vocabulary for my sake, so some of the things he said were challenging to figure out. And he was really interesting. Apparently he'd met his wife in Canada at university while she was studying abroad. They'd dated for a year, then had a long-distance relationship for another year after she returned to Japan to finish her degree. She'd moved back to Canada afterward and they'd gotten married.

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