WEEK FOUR: Tuesday (Yuzuru)

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"Tanaka! Seriously, man? What the hell?" I snatched my civics homework out from under his pen. He gave an evil grin.

"I was gaying it up for you."

I growled. When I'd gotten back from lunch, my homework for fifth period was missing from my desk. Turns out Tanaka was in the process of covering it with doodles of spurting penises.

"Dude, there isn't enough time for me to do this over."

"Guess you won't be able to turn it in, then."

Oh, hell no. I'd lost two hours of sleep last night working on this thing. "Screw you, asshole. Keep your pathetic dick pics off my stuff."

He stood up and puffed out his chest threateningly. Like Seryou, he was a couple centimeters taller than me. Unlike Seryou, he was thick and burly. He grabbed the front of my uniform jacket and lowered his eyebrows until his eyes almost disappeared behind them. "I'd be careful what I say if I were you. We all know whose stuff you've been sticking your dick in."

Koike was on her feet and the rest of our class was oohing in anticipation. The hair on my arms stood up in fury. If Watanabe-sensei hadn't entered the classroom at that moment, I would have socked Tanaka in the gut.

Watanabe walked across the front of the classroom to his desk, without glancing up. The class leapt to their feet and bowed.

"Good afternoon, Sensei," everyone chorused. Tanaka let go of me.

"Classroom monitor, please collect today's assignments," Watanabe commanded in a bored tone.

I gave Tanaka a spiteful look and went to my seat. As Akaike passed in the aisle, picking up our homework, he turned over his shoulder to smirk at me. I held his eyes defiantly and handed Akaike my paper. Both Koike and Utsumi were shaking their heads with alarmed expressions, but I ignored them.

Akaike gasped, squeezing her eyes shut and sticking my paper on the bottom of the pile to hide it. "Ew, Shino. You're really going to turn it in like this?"

"Mm." Tanaka wasn't going to unnerve me that easily.

Akaike carried the papers to our teacher's desk, set them down, and returned to her seat. The lecture started, followed by a group study assignment. I was working on a set of written exercises with Utsumi and Koike when Watanabe gave a grunt from the front of the room.

"Shino Yuzuru-san, leave my classroom immediately." He was frowning at the stack of papers in front of him, so it was pretty clear he'd found Tanaka's embellishments to my homework.

I stood up and bowed. "Sensei, I didn't draw those."

"Leave, now."

Tanaka was snorting with glee. I sighed and trudged into the hall, where I had to stand at attention outside the door. It was particularly frustrating because our civics midterm was tomorrow and I could have really used the study time, but I hadn't been able to bring my books out here with me. I closed my eyes and leaned back against the wall. Maybe I could sneak in a nap instead.

I didn't actually fall asleep, but my mind drifted enough that thoughts of Seryou and our date tomorrow were swirling pleasantly in my head, displacing my annoyance with Tanaka. I already had a pretty good idea of how I was going to pull it off, meeting up with Seryou tomorrow. I'd need to get into the theater class storage room after school, though. Koike was in drama club, so I was pretty sure that wouldn't be too difficult.

The bell finally rang and my classmates started filing into the hall, heading to the bathroom or the snack machines. I felt a wistful pang. Usually Seryou would be bounding up the stairs right about now with snacks in hand, and we'd get a few minutes together before the last class of the day. But we were forbidden to see each other. Tanaka had gotten me kicked out of class. And I had my Japanese midterm as soon as the bell rang, which was not something I was looking forward to. Life kinda sucked.

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