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🍓Seven Weeks Later 🍓


Hairs rose on the back of my neck. Aw, man, they'd tracked me down again already? Why was it so hard to shake off these third year girls? It was their graduation day, didn't they have teachers to thank and yearbooks to sign?

I dodged into the nearest empty classroom and ducked against the wall below the windows. Maybe if I stayed quiet they'd pass by. I just wanted to find Yuzuru, but he seemed to be doing a perfectly fine job of eluding me in all this post-graduation-ceremony chaos.

"Hey! Hey, guys!" Skittering footsteps out in the hall. "Has anyone seen Seryou-kun? I wanted to exchange contact info with him, but I can't find him anywhere!"

"Yeah, you're not the only girl looking for him," someone replied. "Seems like everyone is, even first and second years."

Ugh. God, why? They all know I'm with Yuzuru-san. How many of them have I already turned down today? This is getting ridiculous.

Authoritative footsteps came marching this way, and I winced—until I heard a welcome voice. "You guys better give up."

Koike Arisa. At least there was one female ally I could count on. And she'd probably be able to tell me where Yuzuru was, too. I dared to crane my neck for a peek out the classroom window. All I could see, without revealing my hiding spot, was the school ceiling and the tops of the girls' heads.

"You should know it's impossible," she informed them haughtily.

"Eh? Why?"

What do you mean, why?

Koike's tone made it clear she was thinking the same thing. "Because Seryou's not the type to create a misunderstanding with the person he's dating."

"But Shino-senpai is graduating today with the rest of you, so maybe—?"

"Maybe what? You think Seryou's gonna reinstate Definite-Yes-Mondays for the one week left of the school year that his boyfriend's not at school?"

The girls cleared their throats nervously and Koike scoffed.

"You know all you're gonna get out of him is 'sorry.'" She mimicked my voice with a bored, cold tone. 

Hey, that's not fair, I don't sound like that! I mean, that was basically what I had been saying all morning, but I was always very polite about it, not—

"Yeah, you know, that's exactly what he said when I asked."

"No way, what's with that?"

"Ugh! He is just so frustratingly cool!"

For god's sake. I rubbed my forehead, smirking at their chorus of shrieks and giggles. Maybe Yuzuru's impatience was rubbing off on me a little.

"Damn. You know, I really wanted to try dating him for a week. Everyone says he was the best boyfriend a girl could ask for."

"But then he turned out gay. Figures."

"The weekly thing really did exist, didn't it, Koike-senpai?"

"Oh, it did," she answered. "And... I don't know, somehow it feels a bit nostalgic, doesn't it?"

"Mm!" There was a rustling sound, and the tops of their heads disappeared as they exchanged bows.

Then the footsteps and voices faded off down the hall. "Which reminds me, Yumi-chan, who was that cute guy from Yokohama National you were talking to the other day? I want to meet him!"

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