WEEK THREE: Saturday (Yuzuru)

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A foreign beeping sound dragged me out of sleep. What the hell is that, my sleepy brain demanded. I was warm and comfortable and didn't want to move, but the damn beeping wouldn't stop. Shut up shut up so annoying.

I shifted grumpily, then froze as the movement created a delicate, unfamiliar sensation across my abdomen. My eyes opened just enough to recall that I wasn't at home. I was at the Tokyo hotel. It was the first day of the tournament. And Seryou was in bed with me.

I could feel his warmth pressed all down my back, hear his soft breathing behind my shoulder blades. And that feeling along my stomach, I realized, was his hand tucked under my t-shirt. I don't know when it got there, but I was suddenly hyper aware of the way his fingertips were resting lightly right over my belly button. It might have tickled, except that I was too electrified by the fact that he was touching me without even a layer of fabric between us. Just like last night, when we'd taken our shirts off while we were kissing.

There was some grumbling from the other side of the room, and the beeping stopped.

"You guys," said one of our roommates—the perky younger one, I think, "we've got like twenty minutes until we have to be downstairs for breakfast."

I grunted, but the complaint got lost in my chest when Seryou's hand flexed against my stomach and he drew closer to me. I held my breath as his fingers swept little circles along my skin. One dipped faintly into my belly button and it felt like he might have kissed my back, maybe, as he withdrew his hand from under my shirt. His fingertips just brushed the waistband of my pajama pants before they left. A quiver ran the length of my spine, and I was missing him already.

The mattress dipped and I felt his warmth retreat as he sat up. "Morning, guys. How'd you sleep?"

"Like a rock," said the other guy, shaking his bedmate. "Kanata-san, time to get up, let's go."

There was an angry growling sound that I entirely agreed with. "I don't need breakfast."

"Get up or I'm gonna dump you onto the floor."

While their banter continued, Seryou left the bed and went over to his bag on the table. I tucked an arm under my head and watched him pull his gi and hakama out, raking a hand through his long hair.

"Your earrings," I said.

He looked over at me. "Eh?"

"Don't forget to take them out."

He raised a hand to his ear and turned a little pink. I was pretty sure we were both thinking the same thing... last night I'd had that earring in my mouth. He glanced over at me, and I noticed that the t-shirt he'd slept in was bright yellow. He looked so damn good in that color. I gave him a secretive smile and he returned it, his blush deepening. I sat up. "Anybody mind if I shower? I'll make it quick."

"Lemme pee first," our roommate said. There was a resounding thud as he made good on his threat to push Kanata out of bed, because he still wasn't moving.

"Hiro-kun, you asshole," Kanata complained, sitting up to rub his shoulder. "Is this how you treat your senpai?"

"Yuzuru-san needs to shower. Go pee and get back out here so he can use the bathroom."

My eyebrows went up. The little one sure was bossy, wasn't he? Reminded me of Koike. Kanata picked himself up off the floor, still grumbling, and stumbled into the bathroom.

Once we were all washed up and dressed, we lugged our archery equipment into the elevator and went down to the ground floor. The lobby was already full of students in gi and hakama, and we added our equipment cases to the pile outside the restaurant entrance so we could go in for breakfast.

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