WEEK THREE: Saturday, Part 3→Sunday (Touji)

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I heard the shower start up in the bathroom, and lowered myself into one of the hotel chairs. Yuzuru was only on the other side of that door, but my body missed him.

He'd gotten so desperately hard I couldn't stand it. His pleading moans were driving me crazy. My memory kept torturing me with the moment he'd come so suddenly underneath me at the dojo... all I could think about was making it happen again. I could endure my own unfulfillment, but not his.

I put a hand over my chest, because my heart was about to smash a hole through it. He wouldn't run away this time, right? I hadn't broken any of the rules.

Oh, but I'd been really close.

If I hadn't moved my hands when I did, they would have gone down his pants and ruined everything.

Was he taking care of it himself, right now? Was he touching himself and thinking about what we'd just done? I wanted to be in that shower with him. I wanted to be the one giving him that release. I wanted him in my hand, in my mouth... god, I had to stop picturing what he was doing in there because it was making me hurt.

Our clothes were strewn all over the room—his undershirt was dangling from one corner of the TV and our coats and shirts were heaped around the floor. I got to my feet and started straightening up. His uniform still had spots from Hiro's drink, so I carried it to the table and called down to the front desk for some peroxide. Figuring Yuzuru was probably hungry, I ordered room service, too.

I flipped on the television, hoping to find something that would take my mind off my aching body. The news channel was doing a special on romantic Christmas traditions. A trashy entertainment show was speculating whether a certain popular actor was secretly gay. The movie channel just happened to be showing a couple making out, and on the game show channel a couple of guys from a boy band were playing a Pocky game.

I dropped my head into my arms on the table and groaned.

Thankfully, there was a knock at the door. The bellhop had arrived with a rolling cart, which he pushed into the room and unloaded on the table. In addition to the little bottle of peroxide, he'd brought a covered tray with fruit, rice, and soup. I thanked him and saw him out, then took a napkin and tackled the stains on Yuzuru's shirt.

Just as I was hanging the shirt up to dry, the bathroom opened in a cloud of steam. Yuzuru stepped out, and any relief I might have found in distracting myself was instantly gone. The only thing he was wearing was a white towel around his waist. His bronzed upper body was glistening and damp, with little rivulets of water trailing his neck. Every muscle of his chest and abdominals was defined in the room's soft lamplight. His wet bangs fell into his eyes, dripping a little at the tips. I had a perfect view of his nipples, his belly button, the gorgeous cut of his arms... and over his heart was the deeper color of the hickey I'd given him. As I'd promised, it had darkened nicely.

"Y—Yuzuru-san," I gasped. "You're—um..." Breaking your own rule right now.

"I know, I forgot to take clean clothes in with me. I'm sorry."

I'm not. I took a couple steps away from him, wrapping my arms around my midsection to keep my hands under control. If I touched him right now that would be it.

"Hey, you cleaned my shirt?" He plucked it off the hanger and held it to the light. The towel around his waist shifted dangerously. "Wow, this looks awesome! You can't see the spots at all."

I fumbled in my bag for my sweatpants and a t-shirt. "You're done in there, right?"


I darted past him to the bathroom, closing the door behind me and sinking to the floor, clutching my sleep clothes to my chest. He's seriously going to end up killing me. I'd never wanted anyone like this, not even Shino. Shino had been sexy in her own sly, forbidden way, but Yuzuru was a thousand times more beautiful. A thousand times more irresistible. And I could lose him if I didn't keep myself in check.

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