WEEK SIX: Monday (Touji)

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I sank onto the edge of the bed, a mittened hand pressed to my lips, and stared at the bathroom door. Why hadn't I just said it? Why hadn't I asked? It was completely against the rules, but if ever there was a time Yuzuru might have let me break them...

I was getting way too greedy. That entire bath had been one long, sweet torture session, the way he blithely took my pants off without even thinking, how he'd scrubbed each part of my body in typical Yuzuru fashion—focused on his task, oblivious to the way his every move was setting me on fire. Truthfully, I could have taken the pants and underwear off myself. I could have gotten the towels by myself. I'd pushed him a little more than was necessary because I was dying to see what he'd do about it.

And I don't know what he'd been planning, but if I hadn't said something he probably would have just washed me down there too and that would have been the extent of it. For him, anyway.

I couldn't handle it. And when I finally gathered the courage to tell him, he'd responded with more than I'd dared to hope for. My body was thrumming with the satisfaction of release, with a euphoric happiness that vibrated through every cell and hair follicle. Oh god, he was everything. Everything.

I should have pushed just a tiny bit more. Who knows what might have happened? But I chickened out, because I think if he'd run away from me today my heart might have fractured. I'd only just gotten him back. Still, having him in front of me like that, a hard-on plainly visible under his loose flannel pants, the way he asked me to leave so he could take care of it right after he'd just taken care of mine...

"Agh." I bit the knuckle of my thumb, ran my tongue over it in frustration. I should have at least asked if I could stay. Even if I didn't do anything, even if I just held and kissed him while he... damn, why hadn't I thought of that? He'd said I could ask for anything that wasn't against the rules. And the bandages on my hands would be just as effective at keeping me under control as the ties had been.

Next time. For sure, next time, I was going to ask to stay with him.

Sighing, I went into the closet and found underwear, wrestling them up over my hips.  My hands were really starting to ache, to the point that I couldn't ignore them. I was going to have to find Grandfather soon. I managed to get a short-sleeved t-shirt on, followed by a light blue sweater, then stood in front of the rack of hanging pants and tried to decide what to do. I really didn't want to keep on wearing athletic pants for the next week. Jeans were going to be too hard to button by myself. Khakis, maybe? I wasn't familiar with any of the clothes in here, so I tugged down a pair that looked like they might be a little baggier than the others.

Ouch, that stung.

I got my legs in the pants, pulled them up around my hips, and then came the hard part. I could grasp either side enough to bring them together, but didn't have the dexterity in my fingers to get the button through the buttonhole. Only the very first joints of my fingers extended from the bandages, and that didn't give me much to work with. I kept trying, though, because it was either this or go back to track pants for the day. I really wanted to wear real clothes.

"Ow," I grumbled as the button escaped my grasp for about the fifteenth time.

"Need help?"

Yuzuru had emerged from the bathroom, looking fresh and energized in fashionably ripped jeans and a white shirt hanging open over a t-shirt printed with the Happy World Coffee logo. He came over and took the waistband of my pants in his hands, slipping the button into place and then drawing the zipper up. His brown eyes were full of reproach.

"You should have waited for me, I'd have helped you get dressed."

If he kept holding my waistband like that, pretty soon I was going to need an encore of this morning. I stepped away some, looking him up and down. "Where'd you get those clothes?"

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