WEEK ONE: Tuesday (Yuzuru)

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I ran a hand through my hair and straightened my tie as I pushed through the subway turnstile, not wanting to greet Seryou looking like a mess. But when I got to the station store, he wasn't leaning against the wall in his usual spot. I checked if maybe he'd gone inside the store instead, but there was no sign of him.

Confused, I pulled out my phone. His "good morning" email had come a little earlier than usual, but he hadn't mentioned we wouldn't meet up at the station. Though, I guess he'd never actually promised he would meet me every day. I had just gotten used to it since he'd been waiting for me here every day last week, and yesterday too.

I sighed, kind of disappointed, and went to put the phone back in my pocket.  It vibrated in  my hand, so I checked the screen again. My frown melted when I saw his email.

Are you at the station yet? Practice just got out. Meet you at the school gate.

He'd gone to morning archery practice? My chest swelled, and I chewed my lower lip happily. I hadn't even had to tell him to go. I stuffed the phone into my back pocket, hefted my book bag, and hurried down the station corridor.

As soon as I got up the cement staircase across the street from school, I could see Seryou propped next to the "Houka Preparatory Academy" sign. He had one knee bent, foot braced against the gate. A long wool coat hung open over his school uniform, allowing a glimpse of his perfectly pressed shirt collar. Dark hair swept across his forehead and skimmed one eye, framing his face in wisps that reminded me of a J-rock star. He had his hands in his coat pockets and was studying the cement sidewalk with his usual existential detachment, like he was posing for the cover of a high fashion magazine. After a second he saw me and broke into a smile.

I raised a hand in greeting and tried to swallow down the lump in my throat. It should be illegal to look that gorgeous this early in the morning. I crossed the street and he straightened as I approached.

"Good morning," he said, the softness in his voice sending a little shiver down my back.

"You really went to morning practice?" I asked in astonishment.

"Yeah." He glanced at me through black-as-night eyelashes. "I wanted to have more time with you after school today."

I needed time to digest that comment, but he was holding out a plastic-wrapped pastry that stole my attention. "Did you eat breakfast yet?"

"No," I admitted, reaching for the food. "I woke up late."

His eyes twinkled at me. "I figured."

I held up the pastry with a grin. "Thanks for this." My stomach echoed my gratitude with a loud rumble, which made him laugh.

"My pleasure. Can I walk you to class?"


He fell into step beside me as we headed through the courtyard to the school's giant front doors. Other students milled around us, and just as we got inside the bell rang. I paused at the base of the stairs that led to the upper floors. "You probably ought to go straight to homeroom instead. If you come up with me, you'll be late."

He nodded, looking a little reluctant. "Okay then." He dipped his head at me, something between a deep nod and a shallow bow. I put a foot on the stairs, but before I'd even gone up the first step he'd grabbed my wrist.



He kept one hand on my wrist and used the other to trace my lower lip with his thumb. It hurt a little, which was weird until I remembered that I'd bloodied it yesterday and it was still bruised. His eyes scorched into me like black coals. "See you after first period."

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