WEEK SIX: Monday (Yuzuru)

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A/N: WARNING - much of this chapter is NSFW!


My mind started connecting with reality slowly, as lazy memories of last night replayed behind my closed eyelids. We'd arrived in Tokyo after dark. Grandfather had fallen asleep on his butler Shimizu's shoulder, in almost the exact same position that Seryou was sleeping on mine. When the limo driver opened the door, he helped Yuriko out. Shimizu scooped Grandfather into his arms, and bypassed the wheelchair in favor of carrying him into the parking garage elevator.

So I did the same thing with Seryou. It was actually really easy, because I think in the week Seryou and I had been separated he'd lost even more weight. Shimizu and I stood shoulder to shoulder on the elevator, holding our soundly sleeping lovers, while Yuriko stared at us with big, dreamy eyes.

"I really wanna take a picture," she whispered loudly, to which I shook my head.

"Don't you dare." I think she would have done it anyway, if it weren't for Shimizu's stony glare. She seemed as intimidated by him as I was.

When we got to the upper floors where Grandfather's house was, a housekeeper met us at the doors. Shimizu disappeared down a hallway with Grandfather in his arms, while the housekeeper led me and Yuriko down a different hall. She showed Yuriko into a guest room, and then a little farther down pointed at two doors.

"This one is Touji-san's room," she said, "and the one next to it is a guest room you can use during your visit, young man. They're both all made up and ready for you. Yamamoto-san will bring your luggage up momentarily. In the meantime, make yourselves at home."

I didn't bother with the room they'd assigned to me. Getting Seryou settled was the priority. He hadn't even wiggled while I was carrying him, he was so soundly asleep. So I carried him into the room the lady had indicated, which was huge and white, with white carpet, white sofas, white curtains, and a big bed with mountains of pillows and a fluffy comforter that looked like a cloud. Wow, he was going to like this when he woke up.

I laid him gently on the bed, shoving a bunch of the decorative pillows onto the floor to make room. Briefly I considered attempting to undress him, but I didn't possess the ninja skills he did and I didn't want to wake him up. He had so much trouble sleeping most of the time, and he looked so peaceful right now. I grabbed a furry blanket from the foot of the bed and spread it over him, brushing hair out of his face.

There was a soft knock at the door, announcing the arrival of our bags. I dragged them inside, changed into pajama pants and a t-shirt, then swept more of the fancy pillows onto the floor so I could crawl into bed next to Seryou. I put an arm around him and pulled him into me, until the length of his warm body was pressed to mine. His beautiful sleeping face was the last thing I saw before my eyes closed for the night.

Now I was starting to wake up. Stretching slowly, I reached across the bed, hoping to feel his warmth again. But my fingers encountered only the smooth cotton of the comforter, and a pile of furry stuff that was probably the blanket I'd put on Seryou last night. That wasn't what I wanted.

Frowning, I patted my hand out farther. I didn't want to open my eyes yet. I just wanted to cuddle up against my boyfriend and sleep some more. When my fingers couldn't find him, I cast out a leg, wiggling my toes. My foot found the edge of the bed... but no Seryou. Well, that sucked.

I lay there trying to convince my eyelids to lift so I could look for him, but instead a soft cry of pain was what did it.

"Ow. Ow, ow."

I sat up, blinking against the brightness. An all-white room really made the morning sunlight unbearably glowy. This wasn't so much a room, even, as it was a hotel suite. Across from the bed there was a sitting area with a sofa, loveseat, bookshelves, and a television mounted to the wall. Huge floor-to-ceiling glass windows looked out onto a balcony that I could just make out through the filmy white curtains.

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