WEEK SEVEN: Thursday, Part 2→Friday (Yuzuru)

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When I was finally able to get off the train at East Kanazawa, I got my phone out and dialed Seryou. It had been a super long day, and I was dragging. But I wanted to hear his voice, at least a little, before I got home and had to focus on the shit ton of studying I had to do before tomorrow.

His gentle, "Hey," on the other end of the line was just what I needed. "Are you home yet?"

"On the way," I replied, switching my heavy bag to the other shoulder.

"How was cram school?"

"Argh. It's like sitting in a pot of boiling water for four fucking hours. Everyone's so worked up about next weekend's exams. Even the teachers are running on kit kats, ginseng supplements, and caffeine."

Seryou chuckled. "Mm. Yeah. This is a pretty profitable time of year for my family's company."

"No shit. You know how many people asked me to sign their Happy World Coffee cups after class?" At least five. "Anyway, how was your day?"

"Good. I went to see Doctor Taisuke, then had dinner with my family. It was actually fun." There was real enthusiasm in his voice, and I felt warmth spread in my chest. I liked hearing him happy.

"They must be in a good mood, if they said yes to tomorrow night."

"Well, about that... I can't spend the night, but I got permission to stay out until midnight."

"Oh. I see." It was better than nothing, for sure. But... I'd been looking forward to waking up next to him. Of all the luxuries at his grandfather's house, that was actually what I missed most of all.

"You're disappointed, huh?" He sounded worried. "I'm sorry, it really was the best I could do. I wasn't even sure they'd—"

I interrupted before he could get too wrapped up in apologies. "It's great. Really. I'll take as much of you as I can get."

"Y—you will?"

"I just want to see you." I thought about the string of emojis he'd sent last week. Now that I knew what they meant, I couldn't wait to get him alone so I could deliver on them. "I want to give you what you want."

I'd done a lot more thinking about this. Even though it was scary, I was pretty sure I could find the courage now, if Seryou outright asked me for sex. Making him feel good was the best thing ever. And I was sure he wanted more. He was always careful with me, though. Like he was afraid I was going to run away, which...

Well, I guess that was fair.

But when he got nervous, I got nervous too. And while he kept all his discomfort inside, I usually couldn't help running from mine.

I had to figure out how to get him to say what he wanted. That was going to be hard, because Seryou relied on actions to communicate his feelings. Like how he'd kissed me at Yamashita Park that first time—I'd only just found out he'd meant it as a confession. Or how he'd gotten all desperately touchy at the dance club in Tokyo, but talked about cat videos instead of saying he wanted to make out.

At the end of our first week together he liked me, but he'd still allowed us to break up without saying anything. If I hadn't asked him out again, that might have been the end. I couldn't let things turn out that way.

"Seryou," I said as I climbed the steps of the green footbridge, "how do I get you to talk to me more?"


"I'm not good when it comes to people. Maybe somebody like Shino can understand you right away, but it takes me too long."

I heard his soft catch of breath. "Yuzuru-san, I swear... when it comes to Shino, I don't—"

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