WEEK ONE: Friday, Part 2 (Touji)

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The afternoon could not have dragged by more slowly. Sixth period took a lifetime. School chores seemed endless, and then our homeroom meeting went over by a good twenty minutes because we were reviewing the festival schedule for next week. By the time class got out, Yuzuru was already on the train headed for cram school. He sent me a text apologizing that he couldn't wait for me, and as soon as I was able to get to my phone I told him not to worry about it. I wouldn't have wanted him to be late because of me.

I went to archery club, mostly because I knew he wanted me to, and also to kill time until our date. My heart wasn't into practice much, but picturing him sleeping like I had yesterday helped. We finished our rounds, took care of the equipment, changed out of our gear, and at last I was out the door.

I checked my watch as I reached the school gate. It was six. I had about twenty minutes before I needed to catch the train, which was just enough time to get home and change clothes. I wanted to wear something other than my school uniform when Yuzuru and I went out. Plus, if I wasn't in the uniform I'd be able to put some warmer layers on. It was supposed to be cold tonight.

I hurried home, greeted Umeki when she opened the gate, and dashed up the stairs to my room. Then I stood in front of my closet, feeling some of the urgency drain out of me in favor of indecision.

Were jeans too casual? What about a sweater? Should I go for something stylish or keep it simple? I could wear that Armani jacket my parents got me last summer, but would that be too pretentious? Then again, this was Yuzuru... I wasn't sure he'd even care about designer labels.

Ultimately, thinking of Yuzuru's taste was what made up my mind. I went with black jeans, a yellow shirt layered over a snug long sleeved t-shirt, a black sweater with thin yellow stripes, a thick scarf and my long wool coat. Then I pulled a shoe box off the top shelf of my closet and opened it on my bed. Adidas sneakers, the ones I bought on our date last week. Even though the date itself was meant as a joke, seeing his true personality as he ran around that shoe store, his glowing smile and cheerful energy and complete lack of self-consciousness... he'd captured my heart in that moment.

I carried the shoes down to the foyer and stood at the door to put them on. Before I was finished, though, my phone rang. I flipped it open and tucked it between my shoulder and my ear so I could tie my shoelaces.


"Touji, it's Natsuki. I'm sorry to do this, but I need you to barista at the Sakuragichou shop tonight. Both our regular employees called out sick and I can't get ahold of the others."

My heart sank right down to my toes. Natsuki only ever asked me to cover at our family's coffee shops when it was an emergency. Like my parents, he was of the opinion that high schoolers should study, not work. Normally I was happy to help out, but the timing could not have been worse.

"Did you check with the Kanagawa locations, big brother?" I asked, but I already knew the answer.

"Of course. The ones in Yamate, Isogo and Totsuka too. But they can't spare anyone. I'm sorry, Touji, you know I wouldn't ask if I didn't have to. I'm headed to Sakuragichou myself right now, but it's Friday night—"

"You can't handle the Friday crowd all on your own. I know." I rubbed my forehead. "Okay, bro, I'm on my way. Give me thirty minutes."

"Thanks, Touji. I'll make it up to you."

You can't, I thought morosely as I hung up. I wouldn't even be able to break the news to Yuzuru in a phone call, because he was in class right now. I'd have to let him know in a text. I scrolled to his name and opened up a new message.

I'm sorry, I have to cancel tonight. :( Family emergency.

I took a deep breath, squeezed my eyes shut, and hit the send key.

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