WEEK ONE: Tuesday (Touji)

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I was sweating under two jackets, but I wasn't about to take Yuzuru's off. It smelled like him, and every time I closed my eyes I imagined he was sitting behind me, that the weight of his jacket was his arms around me, that I could feel his thighs on either side of my hips and the pressure of his chin resting playfully over my shoulder. The fact that it was an entirely inappropriate daydream to indulge in during school only made it all the more thrilling.

My imagination was fueled by the memory of his warmth at my back on that balcony. At first when he'd yanked me in front of him and pressed into me like that I'd been pretty shocked... Yuzuru might be impulsive, but he seemed too naïve for such a racy move. Then I'd realized his mind wasn't in the gutter like mine. He'd been worried that I was cold, and in typical Yuzuru-fashion he'd done the first thing that came to mind to help, oblivious to the suggestive undertones of his actions.

I'd come really close to losing it, though. The feel of his body against me was mind blowing. The more he touched me, the closer he got, the closer I needed him to be. I'd turned around and pulled him in and was this close to attacking his mouth with a mortifying lack of self-control. But he'd pulled me indoors instead. Now, the more I thought about it the more embarrassed I was. The way he gave me his jacket was so sweet. Usually that was my thing in a dating relationship. I was supposed to be the chivalrous one, but I stood there preoccupied like the horny teenaged Casanova everyone assumed I was, while Yuzuru was being his usual genuine self. I was sure he hadn't done it with the intention of being romantic, either. He'd just realized I was uncomfortable and tried to make it better.

Was that a good thing? I mean, he probably would have done it for anybody, especially an underclassman. He was really protective of his juniors—another of the things about him I found so charming.

Still, it made the fact that I'd been ready to molest him all the more shameful. When it came to Yuzuru my confidence came and went at random. Often I felt the same submissive shyness that Shino always brought out in me, especially when he said or did something flirty. But then he was also so wonderfully innocent that my longing for him turned kind of... predatory. 

I rubbed the back of my neck and dragged my focus back to class as the teacher called my name.

The breaks after second and third periods were far too short. I made sure to give Yuzuru his jacket back, and in exchange he walked me to my third period English class. I found myself glancing at my watch hundreds of times, counting down the minutes until I could see his face again.

Finally it was lunch time, and I was almost out the door of my classroom when someone grabbed my sleeve and pulled me back.

"Seryou-kun, did you forget? We have to practice our song for the festival."

I winced. Yeah, I'd forgotten we were supposed to rehearse today. It wasn't so much that I didn't want to, but I'd been looking forward to spending lunch with Yuzuru. I tried not to let the disappointment show as I turned to my classmate, who was beaming excitedly at me. "Sorry, Nakamura-chan, I did forget. Give me a sec to grab my phone and I'll meet you in the assembly hall." She trotted off, and I went to get my phone from my locker at the back of the classroom.

I have festival practice at lunch. See you after fifth period? I hit send on the message, hoping Yuzuru would think to check his phone when I didn't show up in his classroom. Of course he might not even notice. He would probably be busy painting posters again.

I headed for the assembly hall across the courtyard. Our high school had a strong performing arts curriculum, and a budget higher than most. Typical high schools tended to use their gymnasium or cafeteria for assemblies and class performances and the like. But Houka Prep had a full-blown theater complete with rows of tiered, velvet-upholstered fold-down seats, a curved front stage with heavy curtains, and some pretty nice lighting and sound equipment. My pocket vibrated as I came through the big double doors and I pulled my phone out, the screen extra bright in the darkness of the room. Yuzuru's name at the top brought a smile to my face.

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