WEEK TWO: Tuesday (Touji)

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When I woke up Tuesday morning there was an email icon floating on my phone screen. I opened it to find a message from my mom.

Touji, thanks for calling last night, it was nice to hear your voice! Your father and I are so proud of you, and very excited for the T.U. archery tournament. Have your club advisor email us the permission forms and we'll take care of everything. We're swamped with work here but will definitely make time to come watch the competition. We'll bring your grandfather too. Make sure you let us know as soon as you get into Tokyo and we'll go for a family dinner!

We wish we could have been there for your school festival this year, it sounds like so much fun. Please send us lots of pictures, okay? We miss you and your brother very much and can't wait to get home for Christmas so we can see our boys. Take care and we'll talk again soon,


I smiled a little and read it through a couple times. My parents and grandfather had been in Tokyo for almost three months, working on a project to expand the Happy World Coffee chain into the North American market. It was all very hush-hush so I didn't know most of the details, just that it involved complicated contracts with a bunch of international companies. Natsuki and I were old enough to look after ourselves, especially with Umeki running the household stuff, but every now and then I found myself especially missing my parents. Almost like being homesick, except they were the ones who'd gone away.

I scrolled through the pictures on my phone until I found a selfie of my tiger costume from yesterday, and emailed it to my mom. Then I thought I'd better send her a picture of the maid café setup, too. I'd have to try and remember to take a few more pictures today so I'd have something better to send.

After that, I opened up a new message to Yuzuru.

Good morning. How did you sleep?

I hit send and tossed the phone onto the nightstand so I could go get dressed. Umeki had hung my school uniform, fresh from the dry cleaners, on my closet door. I threw my sleep pants and t-shirt on the end of my bed and put the uniform on. While I was finishing up with my tie, my phone pinged.

Still sleeping.

I laughed out loud and emailed him back.

Well you better get up, it's time for school. Meet you at the station.

I got my school bag together and crept downstairs, checking to make sure that Shino wasn't lurking around. The coast was clear, so I bid Umeki goodbye, buttoned up my coat, and headed into the cold for the walk to school. It was early enough that it was still pretty dark outside, the sky overcast. I tucked my hands into my pockets and walked as briskly as I could.

By the time I got to the school gates, which were only about ten minutes from my house, I'd warmed up enough that the cold wasn't quite so bad. I passed the school and headed down the cement staircase that led to the street. It took another ten minutes to get to the train station. It wasn't much warmer in there. I found the gift shop, went in and picked out a couple cans of hot coffee, and then settled against the wall to wait for Yuzuru.


"Oh, Miyano-chan." The tiny first-year was bowing deeply to me. She and I had dated a few months ago, which was the only reason I remembered her name. She was from class three, so I didn't see her much. She had a funny habit of tacking -sama behind my name, like I was her personal Prince Charming. "Hey, I'm sorry I haven't returned your coat yet. I left it in the locker room at school. I'll get it back to you today."

"That's okay," she said. "Keep it as long as you need to."


"Seryou-sama, I..." she rocked from one foot to the other. "I know we broke up because you didn't have feelings for me. But I still really like you. A lot, even now. So I was wondering if you would tell me what kind of girls you like? I mean, if it's someone tall, I can't ever be that. But maybe if it's something else, I could try."

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