WEEK THREE: Friday, Part 2 (Touji)

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A/N: More Baozi and Hana in the cover pic, because they are adorable. ❤️

My mom caught me first, wrapping me in a hug that smelled like baby powder. Not to be outdone, my dad put his arms around both of us. I squeezed my eyes shut because they were stinging with happiness. I had missed them so much.

"Touji, my baby," my mom squealed, hugging me until my ribs threatened to crack. "You're finally here!"

"It's good to see you, Son," said my dad, patting my back.

Mom then pushed back to hold me at arm's length, looking me over. "Heavens, Touji, did you actually get taller since we've been gone? Haven't you been eating properly? Look at you, you're all bones."

I laughed and shook my head. "I'm fine, Mom. Umeki takes good care of me." I realized my classmates and teacher were still standing behind me waiting to be introduced, so I turned to gesture at them. "Mom, Dad, these are my senpai from archery club.  This is Tajiri Hana-san, Shino Yuzuru-san, and Fukuda-sensei. Everyone, these are Seryou Yui and Seryou Takeshi, my parents."

There were bows and greetings all around. Tajiri and Fukuda each presented my parents with small gifts. I think Yuzuru had forgotten that bit of social etiquette, but my parents were too polite to mention it. I'd be hearing from my mom about it later, though, I was sure. She was a stickler for proper manners.

Dad leapt into his role as host. "Welcome, all of you. My wife and I are pleased you could make time in your schedules this evening to dine with us. Thank you for all the support you've shown our Touji. Please, come this way."

"Where's Grandfather?" I whispered to Mom as we followed Dad and the others through the marble-tiled lobby toward the formal dining room. That question was answered, though, when we entered the room to find Grandfather seated at the head of the table in all his white-haired, grinning glory.

"About time you showed up for a visit, my boy," he bellowed, and I ran toward him.


He chuckled as I hugged him. "You've been getting up to some mischief while we've been away, hm?"

Of course he'd have been upset by my disappearing act last weekend too. I could only hope that was all he was referring to, as I didn't know if Natsuki had told them about the website scandal. I pulled away in order to bow an apology. "Grandfather, I..."

"Good for you." He threw me a bushy-browed wink. "But don't tell your mother I said so." He stuck a foot out and pulled up his pant leg. "By the way, what do you think? They're new."

He was wearing knee-high socks with the likeness of a person knitted onto them. I was pretty sure I was looking at a member of a boy band, in some kind of bright red stage outfit, with huge anime-style eyes and a headset microphone. I started laughing. "Who is that?"

"You don't recognize G-Dragon?"

"Who's G-Dragon?" I asked, laughing harder.

His eyes widened in horror. "G-Dragon! BigBang? K-Pop!"

I gave him an amused, blank look, but from somewhere behind me I heard Yuzuru exclaim in English. "Wow! Fantastic, baby!"

I spun toward him in shock, only to hear my grandfather shout in reply, "Dance! I wanna dance, dance, dan—dance!"

And then both of them together started chanting, "Boom shaka laka," over and over as my parents and Tajiri and Fukuda looked on, dumbfounded.

Grandfather held a hand out, and Yuzuru did this funny strutting dance right up to his chair. He shook Grandfather's hand and they both said the fantastic baby line again. I finally realized they were singing. Kind of.

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