WEEK FIVE: Saturday→Sunday (Touji)

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When Doctor Taisuke entered my hospital room, I was ready for her.

"Good morning," I said with a bow. As I'd hoped, her gaze slid past me to the empty breakfast tray on the table, and I did my best to suppress a triumphant smirk. Getting everything into my stomach had taken all morning, but I'd managed it. She seemed so concerned about my appetite, I figured an easy way to convince her I was fit to leave was to show her I was eating.

Her mouth tilted up at the corners. "Someone's ready to go home, hm?"

It was that obvious? Then again, I guess I probably wasn't the only patient who'd tried to convince her this way.


She pulled out a chair and sat, indicating I should do the same. "I'm glad to hear it. So tell me, have you decided what you're going to do?"

"I'm going to talk to Yuzuru-san," I said. "If he really wants to break up, I'll ask my parents to send me overseas for the rest of high school."

She tilted her head, the curly ribbons in her hair brushing the tips of her ears. "You'd be all right with that?"

"I..." I have to be, don't I? "All I know is, I don't want to keep hurting them. Especially my mom. But I think the only way is to be out of sight for a while."

It was going to be miserable, no lie. But what I'd learned yesterday had flipped some kind of switch inside me. I didn't feel I needed them so much anymore. Not if they couldn't be trusted, if they couldn't trust me. I'd done a lot of thinking about what Doctor Taisuke had said, about there being two types of families.

Doctor Taisuke hummed and made a note on her tablet. I hoped it was a good one. "And if this young man does want to continue your relationship? What then?"

I pressed my lips together. "Then I'll wait."

"Wait for what?"

"We're being transferred to different schools next semester. After that he's going to university. We won't get to see each other much, but I'll wait however long it takes to be with him."

"And your parents?"

"I'll try not to be a bother. But I'm not going to lie, either. They might decide to send me away anyhow, and that would be—" Hard. I swallowed. "I'll make it work."

I'm sure she could tell I wasn't actually as confident as the words sounded. The idea of being so isolated made my stomach churn. But if Yuzuru and I could at least talk on the phone, exchange emails, watch movies together sometimes even from opposite sides of the world... I knew we could pull it off, if we wanted it enough.

Doctor Taisuke asked me more questions, about the pain in my hands and if the sleep meds were still working and whether I was finding things to occupy the time while I was here. And then she said, "Your family plans to come when visiting hours start. Would you like to see them?"

My first impulse was to say yes. The thread of loneliness and longing that ran through me in their absence was still there, insistent as ever, like a basic instinct I couldn't shake. But then I reminded myself how they'd lied. How my mom had claimed yesterday that Yuzuru didn't consider me a priority, when they were the ones who'd manipulated him into breaking up with me.

Maybe he would have done it anyway, and my parents had just given him an excuse. I'd find out soon enough. But even if that was the case, it didn't make the lies okay.

I shook my head. "I'd rather be left alone today."

"Does that include your grandfather?"

My head snapped up. "He's here?"

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