WEEK THREE: Saturday (Touji)

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I was settling in with the other first years when I caught sight of my parents entering the dojo. Mom spotted me right away, waving and blowing kisses. I waved back as she and Dad took seats on the benches. They were both dressed for work in finely tailored suits, and that put them a little out of place among the other spectators. I didn't care, I was just so happy they'd made it to the event. Both of them at the same time, even, which was a rare treat. A huge grin spread over my face, and I had to duck to hide it because archery was supposed to be a solemn affair.

It was getting colder. The sun had been out this morning, but over lunch clouds had rolled in and the temperature dropped noticeably. The dojo had kerosene heaters mounted above the range opening, but even so it was only about five or six degrees outside, with enough of a breeze to give a chilly edge to the air. I tucked my hands under my butt to warm them as the third years started shooting. There were ten of them, which meant this was going to be a long round.

I didn't recognize anyone except Kanata, who was second in the lineup. I found it interesting how he established his footing after he stood up... first the left foot, then the right, then some toe wiggles and squaring of the hips. Yuzuru always set his feet the same way. When I saw Okada doing it earlier, I'd realized it had to be something Yuzuru learned from him. Watching Kanata follow the technique too was disconcerting. I guess Okada teaches all his underclassmen the same way, huh?

There was absolutely no reason to be annoyed by that, but I was.

Kanata shot with a lot of power. He seemed to hold too much tension, though, like he couldn't quite bring himself to let his mind go blank.

A girl went next, and she had a delicate grip on the bowstring that was fascinating to watch. Then two more guys, and at last it was Yuzuru's turn.

The moment he stood up, warmth flooded me in spite of the cold. I don't even know how to describe the energy surrounding him, but it raised goosebumps on my arms. It was like he was rooted to the ground and about to evaporate into the air all at once. Where most archers chose their stance with care, Yuzuru slipped into the right positioning organically, as if he'd put no thought into it at all.

Every time I watched him shoot, it completely took my breath away. He held the bow easily, fixed his gaze downrange, and drew. The muscles on his forearms tensed, but his expression remained unaffected. He stood in full draw for timeless seconds—maybe two, maybe twenty, I couldn't have said—as if he wanted to prolong the moment as long as possible before letting go.

There was a satisfying crack as he released the arrow. I swear I heard half the dojo sigh in appreciation. He nocked his second one and did it again.

I had another small epiphany. There was similarity between his affinity for the calm of archery and his preference for slow, sweet kisses. He had such an explosive nature the rest of the time. The archery range was his safe place, where all the uncontrolled impulses found purpose. And when he was being slow with me, I was his safe place for the same reason. God, the idea of that made my bones weak.

When his shots were done he knelt so the rest of the line could take their turns. I glanced over at the benches, where Dad was typing on his smartphone and Mom was doing her best not to look bored. It made me smile, because neither of them were actually into archery. It made the fact that they'd come to see me today all the more meaningful.

Suzuki was sitting up front with Yuzuru's phone pointed at the range, which hopefully meant his mom had been watching. I noticed Masamune next to her, and wondered when he'd gotten here. He only had eyes for Tajiri, though, where she was sitting with the second years.

When the last of the third years finished, the top scores were announced. Yuzuru came in first, which meant he'd be going on to the finals tomorrow along with the girl who had the second-highest score. I clapped along excitedly with everyone else, struggling to keep my expression neutral. I lost it, though, when Yuzuru shuffle-walked past me and wiggled his eyebrows in triumph. He really was too cute.

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