Chapter Seven

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Shield Headquarters

Location: Washington D.C.


Steve Rogers was still reeling from the long night he had. The image of Nick Fury's death still circulated in his mind as well as the man with the silver arm who killed him. There was so much that had happened that he couldn't even comprehend. Why was Fury killed? Why did Fury give him that flash drive? Why did he tell him not to trust anyone? All those questions continued to bug the Captain as he sincerely wished some of his team was here.

He had Natasha but Steve still wasn't sure if he could completely trust her half the time. Barton was who knows where on some classified mission. Thor had returned back to earth, or so he had heard, but was much more content staying with his astrophysicist girlfriend than hanging around any of them. Stark and Banner were locked up inside Stark tower, or as it was now called Avengers tower, and continued to do their little science projects together. None of them were here but Steve wasn't so sure that they could help him.

Not with this anyways.

Steve exited the elevator on one of the top floors. It was very strange how insistent Rumlow was about him getting to Alexander Pierce's office. He knew that it was necessary but Rumlow had been adamant and impatient about it. The Captain briskly walked towards Pierce's office just as a certain nurse was leaving it. Steve narrowed his eyes at the woman he had previously known as Kate, the nurse/neighbor, but who was actually Agent 13.

"Captain Rogers." She greeted as they passed each other and Steve gave her a curt nod.

"Neighbor." He retorted and the woman blushed, looking down at the ground as she walked away. Steve knew that she was probably only doing her job but he was kind of hurt by her lie. They would occasionally flirt whenever they bumped into each other in the hallway and Steve thought that she might've even liked him. He wasn't as smooth as he thought apparently since it was all for show. Steve stopped in front of Pierce's door; the much older yet truthfully younger man was standing just outside his office.

"Oh, Captain." Pierce greeted with a kind smile. "I'm Alexander Pierce."

"Sir, it's an honor." Steve greeted formally before they shook hands firmly.

"The honor's mine, Captain." Pierce replied. "My father served in the 101st. Come on in."

Steve observed Pierce's office with a small bit of interest as he looked around. It was large and spacious, everything someone as powerful as Pierce would have in an office. Steve had heard a lot about Pierce in the past. He was a good man that had done a lot of good for both his country and the world. A well liked and well respected man who had accomplished so much in his lifetime.

It was difficult to find someone that held little respect for the older looking man. From what it sounded like Fury had also greatly respected this man. Pierce sounded like a mentor to the recently deceased Shield director. Steve noticed a couple of pictures lying on top of a table and gently picked them up out of curiosity. The first picture was of a much younger Nick Fury looking to be sworn into duty by a younger looking Alexander Pierce.

"That photo was taken five years after Nick and I met, when I was at state department in Bogota." Pierce explained as Steve quietly observed the picture. "E.L.N. rebels took the embassy and security got me out but the rebels took hostages."

"Nick was Deputy Chief at the Shield station there and he comes to me with a plan." Pierce continued as he began to walk towards Steve from across the room. "He wants to storm the building through the sewers. I said, "No, we'll negotiate."

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