Chapter Fifty Two

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Author's Note: Trigger warning for mentions of rape. Just thought I would leave you guys a little warning just in case. I also want to make it clear that I will never include a full, detailed rape scene in this story. I just feel like it would be too graphic and I don't want to do that to Emma. There will be mentions of rape but never a full detailed scene.

She felt so trapped under his weight as she froze in his grip. He loomed over her and forced her to look him in the eyes. Emma remembered something she read in a biology book that Hydra assigned to her once. She remembered reading that a rabbit or prey like animal would freeze in the jaws of a predator. Emma always wondered why the rabbit wouldn't try to escape or fight back but now she understood. She was just too scared to move.

"Margot." He grunted in her ear as he moved. It was almost like the the waves were moving back and forth but during a storm. Everything felt violent and dark, making Emma feel like she was in the middle of a storm.

Tears streamed down Emma's face as she felt his hands all over she felt him inside of her. She just laid there and stared up at the ceiling, praying that it would be over soon. It was all she could hope to do while in his grasp.

She clenched her eyes close for a moment and soon enough the sounds of his heavy panting and the pain vanished. She was confused but was too scared to look. Emma eventually decided that there would be no harm from opening her eyes. 

When Emma finally did open her eyes, she no longer saw Rumlow looming over her which gave her some relief but her relief didn't last long. She saw dated carpeting, floral wallpaper, and framed family photographs on the walls. Emma realized exactly where she was. The farm house.

She stood up from the carpet that she had been lying on and she realized that she was in the living room of her old house. Her toy horses lay scattered across the floor as if she had abandoned them there like she used to whenever her mother fixed her lunch. The television was on but there was only white noise. 

She swallowed hard as she took in her surroundings, realizing everything seemed a little too still. There was nothing that felt out of place and that made her uneasy. Emma could even hear the familiar sound of wind chimes on the front porch and the faint creaking of the wind mill behind the farm house. Emma never realized that she could remember all that.

"Mom?" She called out hesitantly as she looked around the house but there was no answer. Emma, for some reason, felt like her mother was she might've been trying to tell her something. Emma walked towards the kitchen and that's when she finally saw her mother. The beautiful red headed woman looked exactly like she had looked the last time Emma saw her.

Lying across the floor with her red hair pooled out across the carpet was Margot Rogers. Emma's mother was far paler than Emma ever remembered her being. There was deep purple circles under her eyes and her lips were blue instead of their usual rosy pinkness. 

Emma felt sick as she looked at the large cut across her mother's throat. The blood was still pouring out of the wound and Emma tried not to cry at the sight. It was like it was all the those years ago when Rumlow carried her away from the scene, not bothering to shield her innocent eyes from the horror he inflicted upon her parents.

Steven Rogers was sprawled out on the stairs just like Emma remembered. Emma couldn't even see his face anymore. There was just a gaping hole where his face used to be. He looked like some kind of creature that came out of a Guillermo Del Toro movie. He wasn't the man who used to read her bedtime stories anymore. He wasn't the man who used to take her to the fair either. Emma glanced at the wall and saw the way his brains were splattered everywhere. She never forgot the way the blood and brain matter dripped down from the framed photograph of the three of them at the Watermelon Festival.

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