Chapter Twenty Five

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Author's Note: So here's the return of Peter. And remember... Emma and Peter have only met as their alter-egos so they still have no idea who each other really are. These next few chapters take place a couple weeks before Spider-Man: Homecoming but I'll give you a heads up when we get to the Spider-Man: Homecoming storyline. Unlike the other storylines Spider-Man: Homecoming is going to be a really long one which is good because more Emma and Peter.

Midtown School of Science and Technology

Queens, New York


"Aren't you excited, Em?" Darcy said to her as they waited inside the car. "Your first day of school?"

Emma slowly turned to look a Darcy with a disgusted look on her face. The blonde looked as though she may have even been sick. It had been about two months since Tony informed her that he had enrolled her in high school but she still didn't feel prepared for the catastrophe that was about to happen. She had been somewhat happy to learn that she would be living with Darcy while she attended school but that still didn't mean that she had warmed up to the idea of going to school. It had been a near nightmare for her when Darcy had taken her "Back to School" shopping.

Emma was completely prepared for school in every way it mattered. She had all the clothes, school supplies, and Darcy and her even had a marathon of a bunch of high school movies last week. Mean Girls, Easy A, Clueless, and The Breakfast Club were all interesting kinds of films but they didn't really make Emma eager to go to high school. If anything it made her want to go even less than she had before. As Emma sat in the passenger seat of the car she found herself looking up at the school with dread. She watched the crowds of students walk towards the front of the school. Some of them laughing or goofing off with their friends, others were most likely gossiping or doing something similar. She saw one girl jumping up and down with glee at something her friend told her. Okay, Emma was definitely going to be sick. She looked back at Darcy but this time with a desperate look on her face. Darcy didn't think she had ever seen such a look on the blonde's face.

"Please don't make me go in there." She begged quietly. Darcy was taken back by Emma's tone because she didn't think she had ever heard Emma sound so desperate either.

"I know how much you hate this, Em, but this isn't up to me." Darcy told her in an apologetic voice. "It's up to Tony. I know he's a dick most of the time but unfortunately for us, he calls all of the shots." Emma sighed tiredly but she glanced back at Darcy just in time to see the older woman pull out her phone and hold it up to Emma. Emma gave Darcy a confused look.

"What are you doing?" She asked her and Darcy just grinned.

"I'm making a video." Darcy replied as if it was obvious. "I thought Steve might like to see your first day of school." Emma just shook her head at Darcy.

"Why? It's not like you can actually send this to him." Emma told her pointedly.

"I know but it's for when he gets back." Darcy explained. "I want to document all your experiences while he's gone so he won't miss anything. Now be a good little assassin and say hi to your grandpa." Emma just rolled her eyes before deciding to play along. She feigned an excited smile as she looked at the phone.

"Hi, Steve." Emma said as she greeted the camera. "Remember how you told me to respect Tony's decisions? Yeah, well, look where that's gotten me." The smile then dropped off her face as she pointed at the school building. "Now I'm going to some kind of insane asylum they call a school to hang around a bunch of idiots all day because apparently I need better social skills. So thank you for giving me the brilliant advice to listen to Tony."

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